Chapter 7

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Scott was there within two minutes, for he ran as fast as he could. Which was pretty dang fast. He sprinted up to my doorstep, looking around.

"Where's Stiles?" Scott huffed out.

"That's why I called you. I don't know. You think you can get a scent?"

"Yeah." Scott replied. "But what happened? And why would Jackson want to attack Stiles like that?"

"Well, uh, we were having a moment, I guess, and then Jackson walked in. I think he still has a key to the front door"

"Having a moment? Like, a real moment?" I blushed looking down at my feet. "Did he kiss you? I snapped my head up to look at Scott.

"No! Well, I mean, we almost did. But then Jackson just came in and took him before I had a chance to follow them." I paused, waiting for Scott to say something. When he didn't, I continued. "Shouldn't we go grab something so you can get a scent?"

"Don't worry, I know Stiles scent better than the back of my hand. And let me just say, it's not usually pleasant." I cracked up, only stopping after regaining my sense of awareness. This was a serious matter, why was I standing around laughing with Scott when I should be looking for Stiles? As if Scott read my mind, he turned to look at me and starting running.

"Scott!" I screamed. "In case you don't remember, I don't have supernatural abilities like you do. I can't keep up!" He whipped his head around to see me far behind him, and ran up to me.

"Hop on. We'll be faster this way." Without hesitation, I jumped onto Scott's back. He took off, running faster than I thought humanly possible. Well, that made sense, since Scott wasn't necessarily a human. Right when I began to think he would never slow down, he came to an abrupt stop.

"Stiles. I think he's this way, his scent is really strong right now."

"Why?" I pondered.

"I can smell his blood."

We turned down yet another alley, Scott performing his amazing and very weird werewolf skills. It still creeped me out. He suddenly stopped and began backing up into me, very, very slowly.

"Lydia" he whispered, "Get Stiles when I say go, okay?

"Did you see him?"

"I see him, but he's not the only one there."

"Scott, no matter how much you hate Jackson, you can't rip out his throat. That's for sure."

"Actually," Scott began, "I don't think I'm the one with the advantage." I stared at him, utterly confused. What could put a werewolf at a disadvantage? I peeked around the corner that Scott was clearly trying to hide from me and nearly gasped when I saw what was happening. A giant, green reptile-looking creature stood over Stiles, who was covered in blood and thrash marks from head-to-toe. I felt tears start to well up in my eyes, and couldn't bear to look anymore.

"What is that thing?" I barely whimpered out, trying not to let any tears fall.

"I think it's the Kanima. You know, the thing that's been going around killing people?" I gazed at Scott in astonishment. Was he trying to tell me Stiles was dead? And did this thing hurt Jackson too? Scott muttered someting under his breath, and then answered all of the questions I hadn't asked yet in only a few short words.

"Jackson's the Kanima."

This time, I really did gasp. And loud enough for the Kanima to hear. Scott whispered go, and I sprinted over to Stiles. I was so confused, and my heart was in my throat. How was Scott going to hold this thing-Jackson, I guess-off? I picked up his head and rested it on my lap, leaning over to put my ear to his chest. Thank God, I thought. I heard the steady yet slow beat of his heart, and felt my own return to its normal pace. I had been holding my breath. All of a sudden, Stiles gasped for air, opening his eyes. That's when the tears started to flow, and I was so grateful that he was alive.

"Lydia?" Stiles whispered, still not fully awake.

"Yeah, I'm here. I'm so sorry, are you okay? You scared me half to death, Stiles!"

"I'm pretty much half to death, so that wouldn't be much help of you were too." he tried to joke. I couldn't laugh right now.

"You should probably try and sit up, Stiles."

"I can't. I think-"

"The paralytic venom from the Kanima. It paralyzed him" Scott piped in. I had totally forgotten about him and Jackson. I think Scott had scared him off, or at least distracted him for the time being. Stiles looked concerned, but not confused. He then added on to what Scott had said, finally informing me with his experience in this area.

"I know what you're about to ask, so let me just say this. I can talk because I'm only paralyzed from the neck down. This happened to me that night when I was getting my car fixed, the venom was on the door handle. Doesn't Jackson know it's rude to paralyze the same person twice?" He giggled, his cute smile putting one on my own face. Then what he said registered, and the smile faded from my face.

"You knew?" I asked Stiles and Scott, disappointed they hadn't told me.

"Well, I kind of figured out when Jackson turned all mutant lizard and tried to kill me!" I could tell Stiles was already felling better, besides the whole paralyctic situation, because his normal sarcasm had returned.

"What are we supposed to do? Should I call Allison?" I asked Scott.

"Yeah, and tell her to bring the van. And Chris."

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