Chapter 28

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My alarm went off at 6. Today was the day. I got ready in a record time of 24 minutes before grabbing my purse and applying some quick makeup. I ran out the front door and saw Stiles' jeep waiting for me. I hadn't talked to Stiles for two days since the incident with Jackson.

"I hate Mondays." He said. That made me laugh since we hadn't had a real Monday in so long. I really didn't feel like talking at the moment and I still felt bad for not breaking up with Jackson. Stiles didn't deserve this, Jackson making him feel worthless.

"I don't know what to do about Jackson," I started.

"Just avoid him, and if he comes anywhere near you I swear to god I will beat the living crap out of him. If anything goes wrong just scream and I'll find you, I'll-"

"Stiles, I'm fine, it's fine. I meant like what if he tries to talk to me, but I mean the what if he tries to kill me plan works too."

By the time I was finished overthinking everything, we were at school. We both jumped out of the car, walking towards the entrance together. As we approached my locker, I realized we would be heading separate ways.

"Hang in there." I encouraged.

"You too." I pecked a kiss on his cheek and Stiles lit up.

"Bye, love you." Right as the words escaped my mouth, I whipped back around to face him. His eyes were wider than ever before and my mouth was hanging open like an idiot. "I, uh......" I spun around and quickly walked the other way. What was I thinking?


About halfway through the day, I felt my cell phone buzz. I slipped my phone underneath my desk to see it was a text from Stiles. Locker room. Now.

The teachers had been very sensitive to me today, and not many students were talking to me. So when I stood up and left, nobody said anything. I ran to the locker room, expecting something horrible when I burst through the door. But all I saw was Stiles sitting on the ground, leaning against the lockers. I sat down next to him, remembering what happened earlier.

"So about this morning......" I trailed off.

"It's fine." I couldn't believe I had actually said that.

"What's up?" When he didn't answer, I tried again. "Stiles?" I tilted his head towards me and saw his face wet with tears.

"I miss him, Lydia." He buried his head into his knees, and I didn't know what to do. Allison had been smart enough to stay home. I grabbed his hand, rubbing it with my thumb.

"I need to get out of here, I can't do it. Not without Scott. There's so much he had left to do, some much more to teach us all, and he's gone." He started hyperventilating, and I could feel his pulse rising. I hoped he was just having a panic attack and that I wouldn't have to deal with him changing.

"Stiles, calm down."

"HE'S GONE!" Stiles roared at me. I stood up, backing away from the lockers. The first thought that came to mind was to call Scott, and that hurt like hell. Stiles turned around to face me, and he was full on shifted. He took another large step towards me, and when I tried to back up I realized I was as far back as I could possibly go. I trusted he would never hurt me, and started to focus on what I could do to calm him down.

"Stiles!" I yelled as he suddenly sprinted at me. He swiped his claws against my stomach, making deep contact. I collapsed to the ground, crawling slowly towards the door. Suddenly, the door swung open and Isaac was running towards me.

"Stiles is changed, he can't control it." I said before Isaac could ask me anything. I looked down at my side and it was covered in blood, creating a small pool beneath it.

I reached for where I had earlier set down my purse, my fingers just barely latching the handle. I pulled it over, taking out my phone. I typed in Allison's number and she answered right away.

"Allison, we're at the school." My voice was very soft, and could feel myself losing consciousness.

"What's going on? Is everyone ok?"

"Stiles, he, he-" I began but couldn't finish before I passed out.


Allison was hovering over me, and I could see Stiles standing on the other side of the room with his back facing us. When I opened my eyes, Allison let out a sigh.

"Guys, she's awake." Isaac refocused his attention on me and Stiles whipped himself around. He was biting his nails, the sign he was nervous.

He came and sat beside me, so Allison backed away. I could see the stains on his eyes, proof he had been crying.

"Hey." I started.

"Hey." I sat up on my elbow and smiled at him, knowing what would come next. "Listen, I'm really sorry I don't know what happ-"

"Stiles I'm gonna be fine. It was just a little scratch."

"Just a little scratch? We all thought you were gonna bleed to death! And I mean passing out on the phone with Allison didn't really help the situation."

"I miss him too, you know. More than anything." Stiles shook his head, laying down next to me on the smelly locker room floor. I had no clue what time it was or if school was even over yet, but I figured since nobody was in here that it was the end of the day. My eyes started to flutter shut, completely worn out.

"Hey hey hey, stay with me." I flicked them open so our eyes were only a few inches apart, and I could have just laid there and stared into them all day. "This is why I never wanted to be one of them. I knew one day I would lose control and hurt one of you guys." At this his voice got thick and he started crying again. "But I can't believe I hurt you of all people, I can't believe that Scott's not here to help me control it anymore."

I looked down at my stomach for the first time since I had woken up. It was still bleeding, but only barely. Allison must have cleaned up the blood since the pool was no longer there.

"We should go, Stiles." He nodded and walked over to Isaac, whispering something in his ear, before helping me up. I put one arm over his shoulder and another over Isaac's. Allison held the door open as we limped out of the school together. Before we pulled out, Allison came to my window and I reached out to give her a hug. She really did save me too many times to count.

After we drove away, I asked Stiles what he had said to Isaac.

"Well that was the first time I've ever been grateful for Isaac listening in on people's conversations, because if he wasn't then...."
I knew he meant to say that I would be dead. And I was glad he didn't actually speak those words because that would have made him even more upset. I leaned back against the head rest, closing my eyes. It had been a long day, and I just needed to clear my mind. I set my hand down to cover the wound, but when I lifted it back up it was drenched in blood.

"Stiles." I whispered, still in a haze. I tried to open my eyes, but the best I could get was half open.

"Oh my god, okay, um, Lydia don't close your eyes. Just stay awake, okay?"

"How bad is it?" I muttered softly.

"Uh..." When he didn't answer me, I looked down to see the entire seat covered in red. "Lydia! Come on, stay with me. We're almost at the hospital."

"I, I can't."

"Please, just a few more minutes." He opened my door, scooping me up in his arms and running from his parking spot to the hospital.

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