Chapter 13

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Tonight was the night. Allison had decided to stay home, but with her phone on her at all times incase Stiles got out. I was planning on having some alone time, trying to calm my nerves. Scott and Stiles had skipped school to prepare for the full moon, and everything today had seemed to pass slower than ever. I could hear a sort of growling the entire day, but I didn't tell anyone so they wouldn't get worried. After school, I had finished up my homework and talked to Allison on the phone for at least two hours. When she hung up, I snuggled under a blanket and put on Star Wars, Stiles' favorite movie. The movie was so long, and I was about to fall asleep when I heard the doorbell. I paused the movie, snapping back into reality. It was almost dark, and I tensed up on my way down to the door. Had something happened while I was gone? I unlocked the door and peeked through the window, regretting unlocking it before checking who it was. The door burst open, and suddenly Jackson was on top of me, kissing me forcefully. I tried to push him off, but he was stronger than ever.

"I missed you" he whispered in my ear.

"Get OFF of me!" I yelled, finally pushing him onto the ground.

"What, got a little something going for Stilinski? That's not going to last long, now that he is one of them."

"What did you do to him?" I demanded, sitting up.

"I didn't do anything. Try and call Scott, and I will. You know you missed me, and tomorrow you will come crawling back to me, asking for more."

"No, I won't, Jackson. You're a freaking homicidal lizard that tried killing Stiles and that's killing people at random! Not to mention the way you treat me, like I'm garbage." Jackson stared at me, anger seeping into his eyes. I stood up and sprinted to the door, barely getting out before he grabbed my ankle, pulling me back. I managed to get enough air, and opened my mouth to scream before Jackson, now in Kanima form, put his large clawed hand over it. I knew that this might be it, as I faced death yet again. I could hear three distant growls, and I prayed it was Scott, Stiles, and Isaac. But when I looked up, I saw the two alphas that attacked me Allison standing with another werewolf girl. Jackson stood up, leaving me panting on the ground. The girl's eyes glowed red, and she jumped at the Kanima. He leaped onto the roof and the girl followed. The two alphas were staring at me, already in full werewolf form. I backed up into my front porch, trying once again to figure out who they were. They both lunged at me, but were stopped by another werewolf jumping down between us. Scott. Isaac followed, jumping down right behind him. The two new guys looked at each other, and then at Scott and Isaac. All four of them growled, and I couldn't help but wonder where Stiles was. I focused in on my hearing, and I could sense Jackson in the backyard with the girl.

"Lydia, get inside! Call Allison" Scott ordered.

"They are in the back. There's another alpha girl, and she's back there with Jackson." I told him. Scott turned around to look at me, gesturing with his head for me to go inside. As I shut the door, I watched Scott jump onto the roof again, and I heard him run over to the back. I climbed the small staircase up to my room, grabbing my cellphone and dialing Allison's number. Come on, Allison. Pick up. She picked up on the second ring, but I had already dropped the phone. The two alphas were in my doorway.

"Lydia? LYDIA!" I could hear Allison faintly screaming from the phone on the floor. I looked around for something to use as a weapon, but then remembered that Allison had used the bat in the woods.

"Remember us?" the larger of the two wolves said. At that moment, the girl walked into the room behind them.

"Who are you?" I asked, trying to buy myself a little time.

"I'm Drew, and that's Josh. Our sister is Brianna. But I mean, that doesnt't matter since soon you'll be either one of us, or dead"

"I've already been bit. And you bit my best friend, which I didn't really appreciate." They both took a sniff of the air, and then replied.

"You're lying." They both said at the same time.

"No, I'm immune." They looked stunned, and I figured they didn't think it was possible.

"How about we check that theory, liar." Josh snapped. He stepped towards me, and I was about to say something when my window popped open and somebody else did.

"How about you don't." I spun around and saw Stiles standing at my window in wolf form. Thankfully, my windows were just low enough for him to reach. Behind the brothers, I saw Allison slowly approaching. Behind Stiles stood Scott and Isaac. A smile formed on my face as Stiles jumped at the siblings, knocking down the two boys. The girl, Brianna, turned around to see Allison with the bow and arrow pointed directly at her heart. Allison fired, and Brianna fell to the ground. Stiles took on the two alphas, and Scott and Isaac crawled in to help him. Stiles was doing well keeping them back, but it was going to be nearly impossible for him to beat them on his own. The three boys had pinned Josh down and hurt pretty bad, but Drew stood up without them realizing and headed towards me.

"Stiles" I hesitantly said, trying not to scream or draw attention. He looked up from Josh and came behind Drew, trying to think of a move. I wasn't sure what he was going to do, but I certainly didn't expect him to pull out a baseball bat. He banged it as hard as he could into Drew's head, who collapsed onto the ground unconscious. I gasped, unable to believe that all of that just happened. Stiles ran over and grabbed me, pulling me into him. I could feel hid heartbeat, and it wasn't fast. Why wasn't it fast? I looked up to see he was back into human form. I saw Scott, Allison, and Isaac trying to lift Drew out of my room. I laughed and looked at Stiles, who was still embracing me.

"Thank you" he said.

"What? Why are you thanking me? You are the one who came in here and saved my ass, again."

"I'm thanking you for being my anchor. Your voice basically kept me from killing the entire population of Beacon Hills" he explained. I giggled, thinking about how stupid this was. "What happened, anyways? How did the alphas find you? I only knew you were here because of your scream."

"My scream? You heard it?" I asked.

"Well, not really. I kind of felt it. But seriously, answer my question."

"Um, it started when Jackson showed up at my door. He was talking about how he wanted me back, and he started threatening you and threatening me about you, and I put him in his place. He didn't necessarily like that,"

"HE CAME HERE? Did he hurt you? I swear if he did, I'll kill-"

"Stiles, I'm fine. I tried to run but caught me, and when I tried to scream I couldn't cause he covered my mouth. Then the alphas showed up, and then Scott and Isaac showed up, and then Jackson went all Kanima on me. I ran upstairs and called Allison, but the alphas came into my room and you showed up. I'm pretty sure you know the rest." I grinned. When I saw the anger in his eyes, I added "Stiles, I'm fine. Seriously. The only thing are a few scratches on my ankles from where he grabbed me, but that's it. You don't have to worry about me this much."

"I know, I know. Sorry. It's just, I feel like you get sucked into everything. We try and keep you safe, but danger always follows you. You have to promise me one more thing, Lydia. It's that you'll scream. I don't know why, but when you scream, or try to, I can feel it. I think it has something to do with the night I got bit, but you have to do it. And my promise to you is that whatever you are screaming about, I'll keep you safe. I will find you." I nodded, thankful to have him. If he wasn't here, I would've been dead months ago. Sometimes the person you need most has been there all along, just waiting for the right time to come and save you. Or in my case, where the word time becomes plural.

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