Chapter 24

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Deaton liquidized the flower, pouring it into Stiles' mouth. We sat and stared, waiting for something to happen. Suddenly, he started coughing up purple liquid, which must have been the wolfsbane. Deaton took his blade, cutting into the front of Stiles's neck. I quickly turned away, unable to watch. Deaton had warned me that this could easily kill him, but we had no other choice. When he didn't stop choking on the bubbly wolfsbane, I saw a slight panic form in the vet's eyes.

"What's happening?" I interrogated, wondering if Stiles ever even had a chance of surviving.

"His body is reacting to the wolfsbane, but it's normal. Once I get rid of it the kecodonic pollen can spread."

Right as he finished saying that, Stiles came to a resting position. The wolfsbane had been cleared. He sat up straight on the table, and I realized he had healed. Even the huge hole in his abdomen was gone.

"Lydia!" He said, clear panic in his voice. "Wait, how are you here? Oh my god, I thought you were dead."

"Stiles, what the hell are you talking about?" When he didn't answer my question, I asked again. "Why would you think I was dead?"

He stood up off the table, looking around.

"Where's Scott?"

I was about to say the hospital, but then I remembered. I snapped my hand over my mouth, biting my lip.


"He's at the Nemeton!"

Stiles sprinted out of the house, running faster than I had ever seen him before. I looked over at Deaton, hoping he could give me some insight.

"He can tell when you guys are in pain. Since he just woke up, it must be just registering now that you got scratched." I started shaking my head, pacing the room. "What is it Lydia?"

I took in a deep breath before answering. "He probably is dead."

"Then we better go."

I called Allison, telling her and her father to meet us at the front of the woods. Deaton, Allison and I began walking, following Chris as our guide.

"Just remember how powerful these things are." I warned the group. We strode towards the Nemeton, and as we approached it I saw Stiles huddled over Scott's body. Allison and I ran towards them, and I could see the tears on Stiles' face. Allison shoved Stiles out of the way, leaning her ear oh his chest.

"Scott! Scott!" She screamed and I grabbed her, holding her back. She was fighting so hard, kicking and elbowing me and continuing to scream his name. "No no no no no. No! Scott!" She ran into her father's arms, and I wiped my eyes so my hands were black with runny makeup. Stiles looked up at me, and I could see that he had been here for a while before we arrived. His eyes were swollen red and it was clear he had already gone through this denial stage that Allison was going through. I sat next to Stiles and he grabbed my hair, pushing me into his side. The full on tear fest had begun, and it still felt strange. How could Scott McCall be dead? There was no way it was possible. Stiles and I lay on the ground beside Scott, while Allison continued her confusion.

"What ha-ha-happened?" She shouted before leaving her fathers arms to run over to Scott. She laid her head on his bare chest, since his shirt had been ripped apart.

I studied Scott's body, seeing all of the parts of him that had been ripped apart. His chest had been scratched continuously, and the cuts were so deep that his entire body was basically red from blood. His neck was twisted sideways, and his arm looked like it had been nearly torn off. I couldn't look anymore, and reburied my head into Stiles' arm. Allison finally spoke, asking me a question.

"Who-who-who, who did it? Was it the alpha brothers?" I bit my lip and nodded, seeing the vengeance forming in Allison's eyes. I knew this wouldn't end well. "Why was he here in the first place? And why was he alone?" I looked up at Allison, and I couldn't take the guilt washing over me.

"He wasn't alone." I croaked out, and I started balling. Stiles leaned over to wipe my tears, but I didn't need it right now. I stood up and walked away from the group, trying to recollect my thoughts. I ruined everything. Stiles getting bit was my fault. Scott dying was my fault. All of this was my fault. And then I remembered one other thing that was my fault. The Sheriff. I was about to call Melissa to find out if he was okay, but that wouldn't work out. How were we supposed to tell her? And what we do if the Sheriff hadn't made it? I couldn't let this happen to Stiles, let him lose the only two people in his life that mattered. I would need to go find out for myself.

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