chapter 13

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Hi :)

Don't really have anything to say

This is chapter 13


Louis P.O.V.

I looked over to where Harry ran just to see him throw up right next to an elderly couple who were peacefully eating a light lunch.  The older lady looks horrified at Harry's half consumed lunch, and the man looks like he is going to throw up in disgust.  I hear the lady begin to scream at Harry for throwing up on her chicken sandwich as he tries to stumble into the bathroom, and I feel my blood boil.

Just as Harry manages to open the door, the lady takes out her cain, purposefully hits Harry's leg, and continues on her yelling fit.  I let out a yelp of surprise at the cruelty of the Woman.  Harry doesn't seem to feel a thing as he flees into the bathroom, probably to throw up once again.

I hold my rage down.  How dare they yell at Hazza like that.  Obviously the poor boy is sick.  You think that at least those people could be a little more considerate of his current state.  And so what if he ruined their food.  I'm sure that they can get more.

I quickly jump out of my seat to go help Harry get cleaned up, and I see Liam and Zayn follow me.  Niall just sits there for a few moments as if he doesn't know what to do, but finally I see him pick up his bowl of spaghetti and follow us to go see Harry. 

Liam and I head into the bathroom, while Zayn stays back to scold the elderly couple for being so rude to Haz . Niall is forced to stay back with him because food is not allowed into the restroom area.

As we enter the bathroom, the first thing I hear is a gagging noise coming from the end stall.  I look down at the floor, and see some green liquid on the floor. 'Probably Harry's salad' I think to myself.

I weave around the mess on the floor, and reach the only stall that is shut.  "Harry."  I say while I tap on the door, "Are you alright in there?" I wait for an answer, and the only reply that I receive is Harry's stomach.  I sigh. "Please let me in." I beg.

I hear the door click and it flings open.  Harry is there, sitting and leaning against the side of the stall with a trail of his upchucked lunch on his navy blue shirt.  I feel my heart break, and I take his cold hand into mine. 

"Haz," I say through tears, "We need to get you out of that shirt."  I see Harry's face fall even more, and he nods.  The poor guy.  Besides him being slightly damp from going out in the rain for some unknown reason, he is covered in his own stomach acid. 

I help him sit on the loo, and i raise his arms above his head.  "Come on lets get this off. Hey, Liam, can you help me here."  I hear footsteps approach us, and Harry's eyes grow as wide as saucers.  He begins to shake his head vigorously.  "NO, LIAM LEAVE!"  He shouts out. 

I am taken aback from his out burst, and from Liam's face, I can tell that he is too.  He looks at me, and then back at Haz with hurt written in his eyes.  "Why?" He asks questionably.

I don't acknowledge his question, but I turn over to Harry and look into his eyes.  "Bud, he's going to find out about you soon enough. Just let him stay; he's here to help."

Harry hangs his head in shame and vigorously shakes it no.  Then he points to the door.  I scowl at him.  Why is he pushing Liam away?  He was way more important things to do then sit here with Harry while he pukes his guts up, and here Harry is yelling at him to leave.  Is that what he is going to do to me?  Let me close, then push me away?  I feel rage grow up inside of me, and his time I don't hold it back.  "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!"  I yell, throwing my hands up in fists of anger.  "YOU'RE ACTING LIKE A FUCKING TWO YEAR OLD BRAT!  STOP IT!" I yell.  I feel my anger rise up inside of me, and I raise my hand and begin to bring it forward to slap him.  Someone stops me.  Liam stops me, and suddenly I realize what I was just about to do.  I was going to hit Harry.  I was going to hurt the one boy who bring me so much happiness just because he didn't want anyone else to know his secret.  What was happening to me?  I'm turning into a monster. 

I suddenly flash back to my step dad.  I am reminded of all the times when I would mess up, and he would hit me because of it.  I remember how scared I would feel when ever I was around him, and all of the fear that would creep into my body when he was with me.  Did Harry feel that was about me?  Was he scared that I was going to hurt him?

I feel my heart skip a beat.  I was going to hurt him.  If Liam wouldn't have been there to stop me, I would have hurt him!  I am no better than my step dad.  I am no better than the man that I once despised and swore on my own grave that I would never ever be like.  But somehow, I had, and there was no way that I was going to forgive myself for it. There was no way that Harry was going to forgive me for it either.

I suddenly open my eyes that I had recently closed, and look into Harry's face.  It is filled with fear, and I see him hug his knees closer to his fragile frame on the toilet seat.  Before I can say anything, though, I feel two strong arms begin to pull me up off the ground.  "You should go." Liam states, and I don't hesitated to run out of the stall.  I don't even care if I walk in Harry's mess on the floor.  I am so ashamed with myself I just run out of the bathroom with tears streaming down my face.  I really have messed up big time, and I really don't think that I can fix this one this time.


Was that too short?  I'm sorry.  I just really wanted to get another update out there. 

I'm kinda surprised what happened in this chapter but, yeah.  Sometimes I feel like I don't control what I even write.....strange.

So tell me what you think, comments, and all of that great stuff below.  Also, check out the song that is on the side.  Thanks :)

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