chapter 6

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Hello...again :)

This is in Louis's P.O.V. again.....

Comment and tell me what you think.


Louis P.O.V

I walked out of the bathroom and sighed.  The brave and determined face that I carried when I was with Harry vanished. 

I felt my limbs begin to shake, so I sat down on the recliner in the corner of the room.  I put my head in my hands. 

I felt depleted and drained of life.  Any energy that I had had earlier in the morning had vanished when I saw  Harry struggle to take his own shirt off.  

'Why was he doing that to himself?' I quietly thought.  Last night I had gone to bed with such satisfaction that Harry was going to get better and that I was going to help him, but now, I'm not so sure anymore.

I had no idea that Harry's eating disorder was actually that bad.  He was so pale and weak. He wouldn't eat.  He couldn't even take off his own shirt with out needing help. The worst thing about it , though, was that he thought that he was fine.  I don't think that he knows that this is killing him.  

Maybe I should get him help- send him to a counselor, therapy, tell someone else about his problems - anything to make him better again.  I just want  to have the old Harry back.  

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.  I took it out to see who was calling. It was Zayn.

"Hello mate!" I said in the cheeriest voice that I could muster. 

"Hi Louis.  It's Zayn!" He replied on the other end.

I smiled.  "I already knew that." 

I heard him laugh on the other end.  "I was just making sure.  Anyway, I'm calling just to remind you that we are leaving to go shopping at 11, so you'd better be ready by then."

 I groaned.  "Why so early?"

He chucked again. "I'm not sure.  Yell at Liam, not me."

I began to get up out of the recliner, and stretched my legs.  "Ha ha I'll be sure to do that.  Oh, and do you want me to tell Harry about out shopping adventure too?" I asked.

I heard him pause for a minute, then he replied. "Yeah, would you?  He hasn't answered any of my calls, and that would save me a trip to his room."

At the mention of Harry, I almost wanted to ask Zayn if he had noticed Harry acting strange.  If he had realized that he had lost a ton of weight.  If he noticed the scars on his wrist.  I decided against it, though.  "Alright I can do that them.  I'll meet you at Liam's suite in an hour or so, eh?"

I heard Zayn yawn.  "Yep, see you then mate."

There was a muffling sound on the other end.  "Bye." I said.  Then, I hung up, and placed my phone into the back pocket of my black skinny jeans. I begin to walk over to the kitchen and get the food ready for breakfast. 

While I was about half way done, I heard foot steps shuffle towards me.  I looked up, and my eyes met Harry's green orbs.  He had a shy look on his face, and he almost looked embarrassed.

I warmly smiled.  "Hi Harry. "

He shifted his feet on the ground, and it was just then that I noticed he was only half dressed.  He was wearing black trousers and white converse.  He had about 5 random bracelets scattered on his wrist, and he was wearing a chain around his neck.  His chest was bare, and was showing off his array of scars. In his hand, he was holding a plain, dark blue v neck. 

He looked up at me and handed me his shirt.  "Um....could me...?" He motioned for me to help him put it on.

I walked over to him and effortlessly brought it over his head.  "Thanks." He muttered, while he placed a black beanie over his chocolate curls.

What he did next surprised me.  He sat down on one of the stools at the table, and took a plate filled with the breakfast that I had brought him.  Next he grabbed a knife and a fork and begin cutting into the sunny side up breakfast egg. 

I walked over and sat right across from him, and took a plate as well and began to eat my sausage that I ahd made earler in the morning.  As we were eating, I tried to make small talk with Harry, staying away from the "emotional" topics.  I told him about our plans to leave at 11, and he seemed fine with it. 

Through out breakfast, I tried to focus on talking to Harry, but I could not stray away from the fact that Harry was sitting across from me, and the food on his plate was disappearing- slowly, but still disappearing. 

Once It was a quarter till eleven, I decided that we should probably head over to Liam's room.  "Alright Harry, are you ready to go shopping now?"  I asked.  He had stopped eating breakfast minutes ago, and had been waiting for me so I already assumed that he was. 

He stood up and nodded.  As we were walking towards the door, I felt Harry's hand on mine.  I looked up.

"Thanks for bringing breakfast."  He said quietly.  I nodded.  "Yeah no problem."  I reached for the door, but Harry stopped me again.  " I'm going to get better Louis."  He stated.  He sounded as if he was trying to reassure himself.  "I am going to accept myself again."  His voice sounded weak, and I brought him into a hug.  

"I know you are." I whispered.

Me and Harry walked out of the room.  We were quiet the whole way there, neither of us saying a word.  I liked the silence.  It gave me time to think.  Did I really want to tell the other boys about Harry's "problems"?  Would he accept me if I did.  No, he would be beyond pissed.  Maybe I should just wait, and see how things go from here. They have to get better, right?

Harry stopped walking, and I realized that we had reached Liam's suite.  I knocked and Niall answered the door, biting his lip.  "Hello guys!"  He motioned for us to come in.  There was something weird about how he was acting.  "We were waiting for you guys ." 

Harry and I both walked in, and as soon as we passed the entrance, we could feel the tension.  I looked at Liam and then back at Zayn, trying to find an explanation in their eyes. 

Liam looked extremely worried and Zayn looked like he was fighting for words to say.

Liam walked up to us, and began to explain.  "This morning, when I was shaving, I noticed that the blade was missing inside of my shaver.  Then, I found this," he held out his hand to reveal the blade that Harry had cut with last night sitting on his palm, "I found that on the floor- with blood on it." 

My eyes went wide and Harry looked as pale as a ghost.  I gulped. 

Liam continued.  "Now I know that you two were the last ones in the bathroom, so would you care to explain what happened in there and why there was a bloody razor on my floor?" 

I bit my lip.  Shit was going down.


Hello!  Did you guys like the chapter?  Was it too fake?  Idk what to think yet about it.

Oh, and did you like the cliff hanger?

What do you think is going to happen?

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