chapter 20

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Hello again.  Nothing to say except we are reaching the end of the story.  *slowly wipes away tears*.  i don't really know how to feel about it but, I believe it is for the better.  Anyway, enjoy :)


3rd person P.O.V

May 2,

     I was raped.  There, I said it.....well wrote it.  It's been a week.  A whole week since my world came crashing down and I would do anything to take it back.  I can cry, beg, and plead but nothing will ever fix me.  I can't fix myself.  I can't change what that man did to me.  I can't change how I feel.  I can't change how I felt. I just want to be numb. I want to close my eyes and float away to a place where I feel sane. Can someone help me forget?   I'm too scared to ask for help.  I just want someone to notice that I am not okay. 

     How do I even begin? How do I explain how I feel? Where do I start ?  I never told him to touch me.  i never asked to be violated.  i never asked to be raped. 

     They say that bad things happen to good people, but I never considered myself a good enough for something bad to happen to me. 

     It happened last Thursday night.  My head had been hurting from previous signing that had just ended, and I decided to get a little fresh air.  It was a chilly night for being May, and I was wearing skinny jeans and vans.  I had on a navy Hollister sweatshirt which the cold seemed to seep through.  I remember everything from that night.  I remember every voice, every touch, every scream.  I remember how I felt. 

     I remember that man's touch.  From the start I had had a pit in the bottom of my stomach growing with every step.  I had known he was bad news from the start. 

     So, there I was, walking down town, taking deep breathes and thinking about the next day.  My first mistake had been forgetting my phone.  It was still in my hotel room, plugged into the wall, charging. 

    I hadn't really thought that I would need it, and I just wanted to be away from the world.  I didn't want any one interrupting my alone time to try and call me.  I had just wanted to be alone.

     I had probably been out for about half an hour and I remember how cold I had been.  My fingers felt numb, and I was beginning my journey back to the hotel, which was probably a good mile away, when he came up to me.

     This man was strange.  To begin with, he smelled like smoke, and I was already taken a back by his scent.  Second, he wore almost all black except for the grey T- shirt that was peaking through his black zipped up zacket.  The third thing that I noticed was the pen and paper he held in his hand, and how when he smiled, I could see he was missing three of his bottom teeth.  He didn't look that old, though- no older than 40.  I considered that the smoking could have added a few years to his looks, though. 

      His voice had been hoarse, almost rough, and when I first heard it, my instinct was to run.  Now that I think of it, I should have ran.  I should have ran as fast as I could away from that man, but I didn't. 

     He said to me "Are you Harry, Harry from One Direction?"

     I remember how I had paused in my thoughts, trying to decide if I could tell a lie or if he would know that it had been me.  I decided that my cover was already blown so I replied with a simple "yes".

     The man smiled, showing off his crocked teeth, and then said to me, "You you mind if I could get your auto-graph.  And maybe a picture too.  It is for my daughter.  She is six and completely adores you". 

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