20. Promise me..

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It's been a week since Scara is staying with Kazuha. They spent their time together with love and care. Waking up by each other's side, caressing cheeks and laughing while spending the rest of the day off. When it's time for Kazuha's shift, Scara would follow him and stayed at the bar, keeping his lover company as he slowly fill up his guts with the ginger ale he loved.

Another patron raised their hand, calling for the red streaked bartender. Kazuha walked out from the counter, heading to the patron to do his job. Scara is sitting at the usual spot along with Venti, Freminet and Gorou. Freminet finally had the braveness to try out alcohol as his late brother does. 

"How was it Fremmy?" Venti asked Freminet. Freminet nodded, lowering down an Old Fashioned. The alcohol taste is only a tad noticable since Kazuha knew it's the first time Freminet drinking so, he adjusted the drink to suit Freminet's palatte. 

"It burns a bit... But I can handle it..." Freminet muttered slowly. Venti tittered, rubbing Freminet's hair. Gorou is just reading a book with a can of soda infront of him. Scara noticed that Gorou's attention is stuck towards the book. 

"Hey Gorou, what are you reading?" Scaramouche asked. Gorou looked at Scara, throwing a warm smile and lifted up his book. 

"This? 'No Longer Yours' by Uncle C. It's a new book from him" Gorou replied, taking a chug from a can of soda infront of him. Scara raised his eyebrow.

"Uncle C? I thought that writer is on break due to pneumonia?" Scaramouche said. He was a bit confused by the situation the writer is in. Gorou shrugged. He continued reading the book, dwelling back into the story. Kazuha came back to the counter. He sat down onto a stool beside Scaramouche.

"So... You guys have plans after this?" Kazuha raised a question. The group looked at each other, waiting for a suggestion from them. Venti looked at Kazuha.

"No I think. But damn, I am not sleepy" Venti said. Freminet nodded towards Venti's statement. He took an another sip from the alcohol in his hand before placing the glass onto the ceramic counter.

"Same... I don't really want to go back home after this..." Freminet muttered. Scara chuckled while patting Freminet's head. 

"Oh well... I am still on break" Scaramouche continued. He coughed a bit, slightly gripping his chest. Kazuha noticed that Scara had been coughing quite often ever since he decided to spend time with him. He squinted his eyes.

"In that case, how about we go to the theme park? It's still open until 3am" Gorou gave out a suggestion. The group looked at each other. Trying to see their reply to it.

"Sounds good. Just wait until 12am then" Kazuha replied. Another patron in the corner raised his hand. Kazuha walked out to fulfill the customer's request. Scara clentched his chest, feeling a sharp pain in his lungs.

"Doc? Are you okay?" Freminet asked. Scara's body shivered from the sudden question. He looked at Freminet who is staring at him with his sparkling lavender eyes. Scara cleared up his throat.

"I'm fine Freminet.. Just choked on some beer.." Scara lied, licking his lips while before taking gulps of cold water. Freminet squinted his eyes, feeling a bit suspicious with Scara's reply. The glass he held touched with the ceramic counter, making a clink sound. 


The noisy atmosphere annoyed Scara as he walked into the theme park. Kazuha only chuckled beside him, holding his hands. The others had already went far into the crowd, wanting to have fun for themselves. 

"So... What do you want to try Zuzu?" Scaramouche asked. Kazuha looked around for a while, wanting to find anything that caught his attention. Unfortunately, none of it hooked Kazuha's interest. Perhaps it is because he is already an adult now.

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