12. What the...

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The announcement rang, signing the arrival of a train. While the people are busy going in and out trying to get a seat, Kazuha is just sitting on a bench, looking up to the led board. His train will be arriving in 15 more minutes. He have plenty of time to relax a bit. He took a peek into his wallet, there are plenty of mora left for him to get a drink for himself.

Kazuha made his way to a convenience store inside the train station. He entered the establishment and was met with a refreshing watermelon scent. It is quite similar to a watermelon gum which he is very fond of. He looked into the cooler, choosing his pick from a wide range of drinks. After a few minutes, he took a bottle of isotonic drink and a watermelon drink pack. He grabbed a cup full of ice before going to the counter and paid for his drinks.

Walking out from the convenience store, he heard someone calling his name very clearly.

"Kazuha!" a voice was heard not far away from him. Kazuha looked to his side, just to find out that it was his college friend calling for him. It was Kokomi, a student who took the same course as him. Kokomi ran towards Kazuha.

"Oh, hey Kokomi. How have you been?" Kazuha asked. The young female smiled at Kazuha. She seemed to be wearing a beige and pink hoodie along with a purple skirt and thigh socks. Kazuha felt amazed by how Kokomi didn't changed even her age is almost reaching around her 30's. 

"Very good! Fancy seeing you here. Where are you going?" Kokomi asked. Kazuha let out a small chuckle before taking a sip from his isotonic drink, rehydrating himself.

"I'm going to Sumeru. I need to have some time off for myself" Kazuha replied haggishly. Kokomi nodded. She looked around the station, seeming to find someone. She looked at Kazuha, wanting to ask a question.

"Have you seen Gorou? I've never seen him for years now" Kokomi asked. Kazuha explained everything about Gorou, his current workplace and his condition towards Kokomi. Kokomi seemed to be relieved after hearing what Kazuha told her.

"It's good that he managed to live a stable life. I had to go now, catch a taxi. I'll see you later Kazuha!" Kokomi waved before skipping out from the train station. Kazuha watches as Kokomi slowly disappear from his vision among the crowds. An announcement can be heard coming from the speakers around the station. Kazuha's train finally arrived. He lifted up his bag before walking into the train, finding the seat that is provided on his ticket. 


The train stopped after a long journey. Kazuha stepped out from the train along with the crowd. He was met with the sounds of birds chirping and the radiance of the sunlight hitting his face. Sumeru's train station is unique. It revolves around a forest theme which suits the region of Sumeru. Kazuha made his way out of the train station, only to find himself in awe of seeing Sumeru's green environmental. He would just pick a random tree to relax and enjoy the sound of nature there until the nightfall but he knew that first things first, he must go to Sumeru City first.

Walking along the road, he is still amazed with how friendly the locals are while passing through Gandharva Ville. He also found out that Scara's co-worker, Tighnari originated from there. After asking for some directions and taste testing local snacks there, he would eventually arrive at Sumeru's city gate. Kazuha is a bit skeptical on why would the people allow a university to rule a whole region. He looked around, wanting to rent a hotel as a place for him to stay.

He would find a hotel after a few minutes walking. After a long process, he is finally given the keys to a room on the second floor. Entering his room, Kazuha laid down on the bed, sighing after a tiring day. The room only had 1 bed, a bedside table along with a lamp, a television and a bathroom. After lying down for a few minutes, Kazuha stood up, looking outside the window before admiring the magnificent view.

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