15. I wonder...

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Gorou slides a Headless Horseman towards Venti who was sitting at the counter. Venti took out his wallet, swiped out a debit card before giving it towards Gorou.

"Everytime I order a drink, just swipe it" Venti muttered before taking his drink and started to indulge onto it. He forgot to take some cash out from the ATM machine. Gorou took the card before tapping it at the card swiper nearby the counter. He leaned his body against the counter, resting his head against it.

"Do you think Kazuha is having a good time now?" Gorou asked. Venti looked up at the brown haired bartender before lifting up his shoulders.

"Maybe. He is meeting Scara afterall. Mondstadt haven't been nice to him in this couple of weeks" Venti spatted out before taking an another sip from the alcohol. The burning sensation made his mind calmed down after a rough day he had been through.

Droplets of water can be heard crashing against the roof of the bar. Water droplets started to form on the front windows and began racing down to the bottom. Gorou looked around the bar.

There is only a number of patrons inside. A couple was dating in the corner and a group of teens were just chatting while watching the news on the television screen. Gorou sighed before taking an empty collins and wiped it clean.

"I wonder what is Kazuha doing right now..." Gorou whispered to himself before placing the collins into a freezer as some drinks require the glass to be chilled.


Scaramouche emerges from the raging waters. He was gasping for air, kicking the water as he tried to stay above the surface. The storm and the heavy rain made it hard for him to look at his surrounding.

"KAZUHA!" Scaramouche shouted, trying an another attempt to find his lover. He looked around him, there is not even a single sign of him. Scaramouche felt himself slowly being eaten by the flood. He is using the last bit of his energy, trying to stay above the surface.

Scaramouche looked behind, his eyes widens as he saw a sharp driftwood was heading towards him. He dived down, trying to dodge the danger. The wood unfortunately scratches the back of Scara's neck, opening a deep wound.

Scara kicked himself above the water surface, gasping for air while groaning from his pain receptors acting up. The waters around him began to turn red. He looked around, trying his final attempt to scream for his lover.

A glimmer of hope emerges as he saw a figure with white hair and a red hoodie hanging onto a rock not far away from him. Scaramouche tried to swim towards the rock, reaching out for the bartender.

Kazuha saw Scaramouche and his heart pounded as he caught a glimpse of blood oozing out from Scara's neck. He knew very well that Scaramouche isn't able to swim looking at the way he is trying.

Kazuha's kind side took over him. The betrayals Scaramouche did towards him was pushed away. Kazuha released the rock he was hugging, swam towards Scaramouche and gripped his shirt. He rested Scaramouche on his back while he fluttered back towards the edge of the ravine.

Arriving on land, he placed Scara gently onto the ground and embraced him. His eyes were in tears, finally coming into his senses that the doctor jumped into the water trying to save him even though he isn't able to swim. His hands was soaked with the blood coming from Scaramouche's neck.

"W- Why did you jumped in...?" Kazuha slowly asked. His hands were trembling, gripping onto Scaramouche's palms. Scaramouche looked towards Kazuha, pulling air through his teeth, trying to endure the pain.

"Isn't it...obvious? You are everything to me..." Scaramouche muttered before letting out a breath. Kazuha was silent, in disbelief. He judged everything too quick. He let himself consumed by his feelings without caring the aftermath. He didn't let Scara explained himself when Scaramouche found him crying under the rain.

"I... I'm... Sor-" before Kazuha finishes his words, Scaramouche placed his index finger against Kazuha's lips, silencing him.

"We'll talk about that later..." Scaramouche tried to stand up. Kazuha howled him, helping the doctor to stand on his feet. Cyno slides down from a hill and ran towards the duo. He examined the back of Scaramouche's neck. It is a deep cut. The silverskin of the muscles can be seen exposed to the air. He shook his head.

"Not good... We need to get him to a hospital" Cyno said before helping Kazuha to carry Scaramouche under the rain. Kazuha looked at Cyno with a confused face.

"Wait...who are you?" Kazuha asked while one of his hands is applying pressure onto Scaramouche's wound. Cyno looked towards him.

"I'm Cyno. A stage 3 lung cancer survivor" Cyno breathed out before focusing back to bring Scaramouche to safety.


The gears in the clock was moving, letting out a ticking sound every second. Kazuha and Cyno was sitting in a room, waiting for Scaramouche to be treated. Kazuha looked at Cyno who was shuffling a deck of cards. He had a sudden tear falling down from his eye. The way Cyno shuffles his cards made him remember about Lyney. He wiped his tears, before looking back at the medical posters on the wall, trying to kill time.

"How long have you've known Dr. Scara?" Cyno opened a conversation. Kazuha looked towards Cyno who was still shuffling his cards.

"Almost 2 months at this point. What is your connection with him?" Kazuha asked. Cyno chuckled before inserting the cards back into a box. He crossed his legs before placing his palms together.

"I was his patient. He took care of me until I recovered" Cyno said, opening his backstory with Scaramouche. Kazuha was in awe.

"You fought cancer at a high stage... If I were you... I'd might gave up at the time..." Kazuha muttered. Cyno sighed, leaning back against the chair.

"You know... It triggers me a little after you tried to...commit suicide. No offense but...you made life felt like it had no purpose" Cyno muttered before leaning forward closer towards Kazuha. Kazuha was silent, staring at the checkered tile pattern on the floor. Cyno sighed.

"I think you can think about that yourself" Cyno muttered before walking towards Kazuha, sitting beside him and pats his back.

"Everything is fine Kazuha. Just hang on" Cyno comforted Kazuha. A nurse entered the room, holding a piece of paper.

"Mr. Kazuha? Mr. Scaramouche can go home now. Change the bandages every 6 hours, apply antiseptic cream and make sure he finishes his antibiotics" the nurse said before leaving. The word 'home' echoes through his head.

"Home..." Kazuha said to himself. Cyno stood up, wiping off the dust on his clothes.

"I shall be going now. See you around, maple boy" Cyno said his goodbyes before leaving the room. Kazuha stood up, following the nurse.


Kazuha opened his hotel room door, letting Scaramouche in first before closing the door behind him. Scaramouche sat down on the bed, touching the bandage covering his stiched up wound. It stinged his pain receptors a little. Scaramouche laid back, making himself comfortable first.

Both him and Kazuha didn't sleep last night due to the incident. Kazuha didn't want to bring his selfish act up for now. He sat down beside Scara, looking at him. Both of them kept their mouth shut. The only interactions between him is just their eyes clashing against each other.

Kazuha laid down beside him, facing towards Scara. Scaramouche extends his arm, pulling Kazuha closer to him. He embraced Kazuha, resting his head against Kazuha's shoulders.

"My life is ruined if I didn't jumped in..." Scaramouche whispered slowly. Kazuha let out a broken sigh, sniffing onto Scaramouche's dusk perfume.

"I'm sorry..." Kazuha muttered, slowly staining Scaramouche's shirt with his tears. Scara shook his head, hugging Kazuha tighter.

"No need... I am glad that I am still able to feel the warmth from your body..." Scaramouche replied. Both of them cuddled softly, exchanged kisses before falling into a deep sleep. The sunrise radiance was shining into the room but the duo didn't care.

They just wanted to rest. To sleep and recharge their energy for the rest of the day. A small bird flew and stopped at the railing of the window, chirping while jumping, feeling grateful for being let to live an another day.

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