3. You're something yourself

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The doorbell rings. Kazuha entered the bar and rested his umbrella into the holder at the side of the door. Gorou who was almost at the end of his shift by the time was arranging the glasses and cleaning up the countertops, preparing to clockout. There are a few customers in the bar, watching a soccer game at a television on the wall. It seems like the team they are supporting are winning by the looks of their cheering and excitement. Kazuha's wet shoes trailed against the floor, walking behind the counter.

"Heavy rain outside Kazuha?" Gorou asked, wearing his leather jacket and taking a blue covered book he left behind the counter. Kazuha nodded before hanging his slightly drenched bag at the wall.

"Quite heavy. A perfect weather to slurp some ramen down my gullet honestly" Kazuha replied, zipping up his hoodie and clocking in. The punch card stated '8:58pm', slightly early but just in time for Kazuha to start his shift.

He placed back the punch card into the slot at the wall and sanitized his hands, exterminating any germs that might cause the patrons sick when serving their order. Gorou shrugged at Kazuha's reply. He went to the bar stool and sat down.

"Are you in a relationship with someone, Kazu?" Gorou asked. That 9 word question made Kazuha's body shivered. He looked at Gorou, squinting his eyes.

"No, what made you think that?" Kazuha asked while taking out a sparkling water from the cooler and cracked it open, preparing to make any refills for the current customers in the bar.

"Really? Because around 3 hours ago, a guy came in wearing a purple hoodie and a black cap asked me where is the bartender with a red streak on his hair" Gorou said in a single breath. He took out a bill and placed it on the counter, fingertapping it 5 times. Kazuha knowing what Gorou wanted took a beer from the cooler and slides it towards Gorou. Kazuha leaned against the counter, curious about Gorou's interaction.

"Scara huh... What did you tell him?" Kazuha asked eagerly. Gorou cracked open the beer and drank some of the contents before giving back his attention to Kazuha. Kazuha's body language seemed like he is longing to know what happened between him and the person called 'Scara'. Gorou took a deep breath.

"What's wrong? You had a beef with him?" Gorou asked, afraid that Kazuha might be in danger with the unusual patron coming into the bar, finding him. Kazuha chuckled before looking around and back at Gorou

"No. It's just- " before Kazuha finishes his words, the doorbell rang, giving the message that a customer was coming into the bar. Both Kazuha and Gorou looked at the door and there stood the figure Gorou was talking about and Lyney following him from behind.

"Now, speak of the devil. There is the guy" Gorou whispered slowly. Scara walked forward heading to the bar counter along with Lyney. They both sat down side by side.

"One Ginger Ale please" Scara said, sliding a bill onto the counter. Gorou took the move to leave the three gentlemen alone at the counter. As he walked out, he took a glance at the television. He sighed looking at his favourite team was being left behind by 3 goals to 4 goals against the opposing team. He took his umbrella and walked out, closing the bar door behind him.

Kazuha slides the finished ginger ale towards Scara, it seemed like there is a small ginger candy hanging by the rim of the glass. Kazuha looked at Lyney before going to the coffee machine. Lyney raised his index finger

"Actually, I'll have vodka and tuak tonight" Lyney said. Both Kazuha and Scara looked at Lyney simultaneously. Kazuha raised his eyebrow.

"Tuak huh, been a long time since someone ordered that drink" Kazuha said. Scara looked at Lyney, looking at him from the top of his hat and to his shoes. He let out a small sigh before going back enjoying his drink.

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