1. What would you have today stranger?

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"May I have an another shot?" a customer asked, sliding his glass over the counter. It touches with a bottle of whiskey which Kazuha was holding and made a small 'clink' sound. Kazuha, putting up a warm smile poured a shot and slides it back to the patron. The middle aged man took it and downed the shot before giving back his attention to his companions sitting next to him. Kazuha took an empty collins which a customer left with money under it and wiped it clean, polishing the glass. The glass gave out a beautiful reflection under the bar's dim lights. Kazuha went to the coffee machine and started grinding some coffee beans, making an espresso. Not long after, the bar's doorbell ringed and a fast pace walking steps can be heard coming towards the counter.

"Hello Lyney" Kazuha said. A small chuckle can be heard behind him. A man who is wearing a tophat with slacks and a red cat pattern hoodie pulled back the barstool and sat on it.

"Dear me, am I that frequent that you knew that it is I who came into the bar?" Lyney said in his usual flirty tone. Kazuha rolled his eyes before sliding the espresso shot towards Lyney. Lyney took the small glass and took a sip.

"Too frequent. I could smell your scent from that T-Junction heading to this place" Kazuha said, polishing an another glass. The patron which he treated a few minutes ago paid for the drink and left a tip under the shot glass.
There is only a number of people left in the bar with only Lyney and Kazuha at the bar counter. The other customers were at their table, being drunk and laughing off about their day. Lyney slowly wiped the rim of his glass with his finger, tapping it against the ceramic counter.

"How was your day?" Lyney asked. A smile can be seen on his face. Kazuha sighed jokingly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Like usual, tiring. You know how I performed in college. Get crap grades, live a crap life" Kazuha said, putting his elbow on the counter. Lyney looked around the bar, a jukebox was playing some jazz music in the corner. Some drunkards passed out on the table, luckily it seems like their friends were still sober and able to take them home. At least it's not a weight for Kazuha to call a taxi and send these drunkards home again like he usually do. He pushed the empty shot glass towards Kazuha.

"May I have an another shot?" Lyney asked. Kazuha poured an another shot of espresso and gave it back to Lyney. Lyney put a bill on the counter and downed the glass. The caffeine began to rush to his brain, giving him an energy boost to train for tonight even though his sister asked him not to stay up too late.

"Honestly Kazuha, I have been longing to ask you about this. You didn't try to fall in love again?" Lyney asked. Kazuha stopped polishing the wine glass in his hands. He lost his lover back while he was still in college. The grief he was dealing with is still strong that the only way for him to forget about it at least is by making himself busy. Even that is still not enough to make him get over the mourning of his lover. A tear can be seen running down Kazuha's cheeks. Lyney, noticing it felt bad asking Kazuha such a hurtful question.

"I'm sorry..." Lyney said slowly. Kazuha shook his head, wiping off the tear of his face before turning back to Lyney with a forced smile.

"No need, I was just too weak to get over it" Kazuha sighed slowly, putting the glass he polished on the glass rack. The doorbell rang. Kazuha looked at the time, it was almost closing time now. This will be the last patron he treated for tonight. The man was wearing a purple hoodie with a black cap covering his face and eyes. The man pulled the barstool and sat around half a metre away from Lyney. Kazuha puts his hands on the counter.

"What would you have today stranger?" Kazuha asked the man. The man was silent for a while before muttering no more than 4 words.

"One Ginger Ale, please" the man said slowly. Kazuha went to the back of the counter and began his work. Putting ginger beer into a shaker and a piece of ice before shaking it. While Kazuha was making the drink, Lyney looked at the stranger with a curious face. The stranger's side face was covered with his messy hair, seems like he had a bad day.

"Tough night eh friend?" Lyney said towards the man. The man hummed slowly, agreeing to what Lyney said. Lyney took out a deck of cards before shuffling it and laid it on the counter.

"I'll tell you what, if you managed to pull a card other than numbers, the drinks is on me tonight. If you failed, you have to talk to us. How's that for a game hm?" Lyney challenged the man, trying to relive the atmosphere. The man took a glance at Lyney's cards on the counter. He was silent before he picked a card and looked at the other side. It was an Ace of Hearts. Kazuha chuckled on Lyney's failed attempt to trick the new patron. Lyney laughed awkwardly before taking back the cards and putting it into his decks.

"Well curse me! I guess I am paying for the drinks tonight" Lyney said before taking a bill and puts it on the counter, paying for the man's drink. Kazuha finishes the drink and slides it to the stranger. The stranger took a sip before having a sigh of relief.

"Bitter and gingery. Thanks for the refreshing drink bartender" the stranger lifted his glass before continuing drinking. Kazuha have received a lot of compliments before from his customers but for some reason, this one compliment from a stranger who never came into the bar made his heart flutter. He felt his heart were set on fire, beating fast and fluttering like butterflies at a garden in spring.

"My pleasure. What is your name stranger?" Kazuha asked. Some of the customers already left, leaving only Kazuha, Lyney and the stranger under the bright light of the counter. The shadow of the stranger's cap is still covering his face. The man sighed slowly before taking off his cap. Kazuha's heart flutters as he saw the most beautiful face he's ever seen since he got out of college. The purple eyes glazing under the bar's light were like crystals. The silky smooth purplish hair were like lavender about to bloom. The stranger smiled warmly before muttering no more than 4 words like the first time he entered the bar

"The name is Scara" the stranger said before putting back his cap on top of his head. Kazuha already made a mental note for himself to remember the name. Lyney, noticing Kazuha's silence in awe smiled before looking at Scara. It seems like Kazuha have finally found the missing puzzle of his life.

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