43. Anatomy of the Sun

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Jean POV

11 years ago

I was at the ripe age of fourteen when I noticed my body had begun to make changes, there was a swell to my chest that had only just now made themselves apparent, no more than lumps from a mosquito bite, and my bottom padded, all the while my hips never did once come in and I began to bleed, painful cramps wrecked my body and everything had been happening so fast these past few months as began to grow. Parts of me enjoyed my womanhood and other parts of me were just now beginning to understand how torturous being a woman was when Valentina had tried to prepare me for it. 

Except to prepare me for the desire and not just any desire but for him. It was bad enough I had spent the past few years after knowing him, loving him, and then just barely last year we'd begun a courtship, for some reason, we'd still felt the need to keep it under wraps from our parents who already have their suspicions about us, they hadn't minded it either, they had only told us we weren't allowed to take things too far that could ruin us, and so far we had kept that promise.  We had wanted our own little secrets.

I was noticing changes in him too. He had a growth spurt or more like a growth asteroid, I watched him build right before my eyes, marble skin muscles corded with angry teal veins and his jaw sharpened, he nearly met the tops of the doors in our house and there was no stopping him. Noah remained incredibly fast, incredibly strong, and unignorable. The girls wanted him, the guys wanted him or they wanted to be him and he was unbelievably mine. Though doubt lingered in my mind's eye as to how long I could keep him mine. Time and time again he'd pick me up from school and everyone's eyes would be on him, I felt incredibly insecure watching them scowl at me and marvel at him. But what could I do?

Noah's eyes were only on me and he loved me. We were finally getting our chance after all this time since I first met him. He had just turned sixteen last month, if not for him I wouldn't know it was the beginning of spring, life bloomed with him around. He made every ordinary flower more precious than it was and we were now sitting in the back of our house, after he helped me study, handing me old history notes Safe to say he had an obsession with Genghis Khan, the tyrant. I made great use of his notes all regarding history beyond Khan as well.

He was wearing his all-white linen again, barefoot as we lay here basking in the sun. Fourteen and sixteen, he was sipping on a glass of white wine, none of which he'd allow me to have and he in all of his angelic glory cracked a smile as he pointed to my notes, mocking my commentary as the pages were rife with both French and English, my mind never quite in one headspace, I jumped back and forth. My eyes focused on his lips as they glistened with white wine, the small dribble of alcohol that hadn't perfectly met mouth when the glass touched him now slid down his throat and my eyes lingered south of his body, averting his gentle gray eyes to the relentless tent forming his pants and his wiggling toes. 

"You've got that look in your eyes again, " He purrs.

There was a look? I hadn't noticed. I hadn't cared, only that I cared enough to go beyond the borders of experimental with him. Our parents weren't home, they were busy doing what husbands and wives did when their children were old enough to look after themselves. My father probably had his mother on the beach, their feet in the sand sipping on a loaded margarita. We were all alone in our home.

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