34. I Am Not A Man

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(Like I said, I don't really like trigger warnings because my book is dark. But for this one, you will need it. Consider yourself warned: slight FGM, whipping, cutting, glass, gore, and violence towards a minor *17*)

Author POV

Beatriz Gabriel - "Gobstopper"

Age: 17

Sex: F

135 pounds, height 5'6

First-year, indoctrination - 3 months

Level 2

Under the guidance of: Instructor Neira 

Dorm A, room 8

'Subject exhibits complete unchecked behaviors even by standards of the compound. A known "Prankster" by cohort and has not made efforts to comply with others unless for personal gain. Proficient in all training except swim lessons and basic Morse code. High intelligence in technological rigs and systems and automatic firearms The subject cannot be trusted around official documents or unsupervised training rooms, despite all, she has proved great showmanship in tasks when directed to or done before others. High-risk subject'

That is what Noah read on the report of the student who decided to dabble around in stupidity and cruelty the evening Jean was victim to drowning in the pool. He read the report thrive over, trying to understand the act behind the student's mind and had come to conclusion the girl had done this out of jealousy, a loose-handed seasoning of multiplied madness, and for her own failures, she took it out on Jean. Not only had she done wrong to wreck harm on a guest of the compound, but she chose the wrong person when executing her sedition, this codename: Gobstopper or Beatriz Gabriel would be dealt with, and personally; Noah was within all rights as a long-standing and honorary member of the company to punish the girl and that he would do.

This young and feckless idiot would face his wrath for targeting Jean and abandoning all creeds and laws of the company. When Noah walked into the interrogation room, glaring coldly as ancient Siberia he looked at her rose-petal'd bruising face he saw in her hick-town eyes she'd merely done this out of nothing but sheer jealousy, for that alone she did not deserve to be here, everyone in the compound was most fair and simple people, albeit a little mad, not this mad, they honed in all that inane insanity to sharpen their brute and calculative skill to be better than they were before. Beatriz hadn't followed that same vein of logic at all. She wanted to kill Jean because she thought she could, much carelessly like stepping on an ant on a warm spring day, but by pushing buttons, flicking switches, and swiping on the screen to determine the redhead's fate, without so much as the bat of an eye, she did. Young Beatriz felt inadequate and would do something to a random swimmer. She fucked around and found out.

Now the girl, only ten and seven sat there handcuffed to an iron post, fully clothes, uncut, and mostly unblemished other than the punches she received when she was caught at the top of the simulation room. Her glare shot back, retarded like a young drool-mouthed child with no apparent intellect for the simple appearance of a person nor insect, she had opaque dark brown eyes, nearly unreadable, but not for someone like Noah, the sharp-witted knight could read minds as easy as her's and as hard as some others like the man who fathered him.

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