20. Jasmine's Tree

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Noah POV

Sometime after this morning's events had passed and our parents had given us the nod of approval, our being together at again and a steamy shower together, I told Jean I would take her to Subdue. She had expressed her eagerness to learn in all the ways how to become a submissive; Not just any submissive. My submissive and this stirred my heart tenfold. I still couldn't come to terms that she wanted to be mine after all that she had gone through, I know I am no walk in the park or Sunday picnic but the fact that she chose me, I had better get used to it. There was no letting her go now, my heart could not allow her to slip through my fingers away, it was still reeling back over a decade of heartache.

We arrived at Subdue. I had some hesitancy at the thought of taking Jean out alone in the open, although Subdue's building wasn't crowded by neighboring buildings, I felt the anxiety that my sister bustle into the city someday soon, and while I had been prepared for the day that happens, I wasn't exactly jumping at the bit to see it happen. We have been lucky there hasn't been a sighting of us yet in public together. As if paying off cameramen, and bribing the mayor and police departments was not enough to get the lenses off of us, I made her wear the cloak and she wore it beautifully. Perhaps it was more made for her than it was for me. It covered her in all the right places, draping to her feet and closed from head to toe with a veil to be dropped down underneath the hood for protection. 

I commanded the cloak in a single phrase "Ab intra" a mere Latin Translation to "From within", the cloak changed from its default silver hue to absolutely nothing. It was as though she were not with me in the car any longer, but rather a ghost sitting beside me, breathing shallow breaths and radiating a gentle touch to the back of my hand. 

I liked that I did not have to tell her to wait for me to open the door for her. I always had beforehand, but telling Jean to do something never worked before, she was a woman of her own ways. Submitting to my will was entirely different and I being her Dominant certain things would go without saying. I opened the door for her, extending a hand to help her out of the car.

"When will I have my own car?" She asked.

I wanted to tell her that would never happen, she wasn't the best driver, but I could not crush her spirit. I relayed to her a different truth. "It isn't safe for you to drive alone, someone has to be with you at all times until we figure out the situation with my sister." Truth be told, Jean wasn't an expert fighter either, perhaps she could throw a punch but she hadn't learned combat training like the rest of my siblings with my Aunt and uncle. I excelled far more than most of them, my sister only taking the time of day to learn basic combat and self-defense. My brothers went as far as to train for combat, self-defense, and to make an efficient kill.

 I did all of that and more, I learned the way of a true assassin, exceeding my uncle's expectations of me and my aunt believing I was all the man and more, I did her proud and frankly, scared all three of my mothers upon the final day of my training when they had a chance to witness what I could finally do. I lived with them for a little under a year, building myself to be nothing short of a perfect killer. As life would have it, it was a great disservice to me knowing the man that raped my mothers and fathered me was living in a prison just a few levels beneath me. I exercised in perfect strength not to let my anger get the best of me. Not to kill him after what he wrought on this family and the price we all have to pay through his greed.

As a reward for his misdeeds, I was born out of pain and only to cause more pain, a gift of my habits was death. It wasn't until the first death on my hands, had I realized it wasn't all my father's transgressions giving way to the man I became nor my mother's abandonment at birth, but rather this is who I am; It was just me being the problem. An unwilling plague that sought his own strength and pleasure. 

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