15. Plans

35 1 11

Noah POV

The sun lances the window, furthermore, my eyes and its shine wake me up. I stiffen upward in my bed pulling the bedding away from me, I'm only in my pajama bottoms and nothing else. My feet met the rug underneath the bed and for a moment I ground my toes into the grooves of the rug, stimulating myself before they met the cool tiles of my floor. 

I make my way to the bathroom lazily getting a start to my day, I crack my neck as I take a whiz and suddenly I remember last night wasn't a dream; It is the real deal, Jean is living with us now and I did tell her I would come to check up on her before I get ready for work. I have responsibilities and meetings to reckon with but handling all three businesses should be a piece of cake. And I still have to wrangle a five-minute meeting with the director of the dance company to get Jean a spot. Nothing three million dollars won't do to persuade someone to make the right choice. 

As I brush my teeth I make try to come up with an idea of what I might want to wear today. I sniff myself and remember I had taken a shower last night, I am clean enough not to go back for another shower this morning. I have too much business today to dress like a slut as I usually would so I settle for a white button-up underneath a black pinstripe corset, and matching wide-legged trouser bottoms. Hmm, shoes? Which shoes should I wear today, so many options and not enough time. The clock tells six-thirty and I make haste to grab the heeled boots, a pearl necklace that I loop around my neck twice, apply my silver cufflinks onto my cuffs, wear a few rings on my rings, and dab my pulse points with J'adore Dior. 

I step back in the mirror to get a view of myself all dressed up for the day. I certainly look more like myself but the corset needs more tightening so I turn around and look at the mirror as I adust the laces of my corset. It's missing something. A tie. Ties were the bane of my fashionable existence but as a designer, I couldn't let myself down, I quickly fastened a tie around my neck underneath my pearls and tucked it inside my corset.  It is a little tight and makes breathing somewhat uncomfortable but it does wonders at getting me stiff in the pants and offers confidence. I even look back at my ass. 

I am fucking snatched. 

I pull my briefcase and black wool coat out of their respective compartments in my closet before taking my phone. I beeline toward Jean's bedroom, knocking on her door before I turn the handle. "Jeannie?" I called her. "Can I come in?" 

I wait for a moment. No response. Perhaps she was still asleep. I hear footsteps at the end of the hall coming from the elevator and snap my head in the direction to see Declan with a wooden tray of food. "Good morning, master. You look ready for the day." 

I run my fingers through my hair and smile at Declan. "A guy can try, right?"

"You've exceeded, master." He tells me, his voice confident and chipper this morning. 

I open the door regardless of Jean's position and welcome Declan to come in behind me to settle her breakfast. Jean is lying in her bed underneath the heap of comforters and blankets, a tuft of her red hair peeks out from the bedding. Only I see she isn't sleeping, her body is completely still, not rising up and down as someone who would when asleep, and her breathing has shifted.

I rolled my eyes. "Good morning, sweet girl," I greeted her. Still nothing. "I know you're faking it. Declan made you breakfast, don't be difficult Jean. Tell us what's going on all of a sudden?" 

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