25. Master Piece

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TW: Drug Use and mentions of trafficking

Author POV

It had been a whole two days Noah sulked in his house, his demands became absurd, his habits facetious and derivative as he excessed in drugs and flagellations, now three times a day within the span of two as he purchased his high from pain and prescribed pleasure. There was nothing he could not snort, inject or swallow on his tongue that wouldn't numb the pain for a few moments, he dabbled in the darker side of the underground crum-ridden belly in the afternoon, as he ordered his servant contacts to The Luxor District and waited patiently for his supply to come straight to his home while ordering around a few other guests to partake in his sopping misery.

Declan worried for his master, he had never seen the man so withdrawn. He was caring for him more than usual and by day three since Noah had made his choice, the man had foolishly told himself he was fine, and the butler compliantly nodded, knowing his descent would only grow in madness. Declan watched as Noah's body turned a warm shade and stayed that way, as if blood was flooded his body, looking for a way out of it, sweat constantly trembled and beaded just above his brow, and lips always bitten.

Every morning for the last two days was the same, he'd hear his master orgasm in the woman's room, sniff a pair the same pair of used panties, flagellate, and eat two scoops of whatever was made for breakfast while drinking a whole cup of coffee, take his drugs, dance around the house while riding the peak of his high and when he came down he would finally watch old videos of Jean's performances.

Depending on how old she was in the video, he'd jerk off to her dancing, in the older performances he didn't so much find himself aroused in, he found himself proud that little Jean played various parts in shows. He watched one when she was eight years old, sometime before she had ever met him and she was playing the minor part of a meerkat in one of the dance numbers, he kept his eyes on her, crying with a box of tissues and a pint of both whiskey and pistachio ice cream next to him. He would beckon both of his roommates into the room to watch her videos with him whenever he watched her as a child, for to dote on her and tell them, "Look how adorable she is!" and they'd nod and agree. "Yeah, sure," and ask him to come out of his room for a real pint of beer at some high-end bar, to be Carter's wingman, but he always declined.

Then he'd watch the recent videos of her alone, some from three or two years ago, those performances she played the lead role and danced wonderfully, never missing the mark. Going to Russia for a dance academy had perfected her craft, it made perfect sense to him as to why she held the titular title of being the best dancer in her generation, but not just that, how she rightfully earned it and it was not just any old title, she worked her ass off and deserved more. She got her metals, her badges. She danced like she had something to prove when she played the lead role of Juliet in Romeo and Juliet, how gracefully, beautifully, and carefree her movements were.

It was a tearful performance at the very end as she danced, dying in Romeo's arms, Jean dragged across the floor and being lain to rest on the stone platform. He overflowed with tears and semen as he watched her dance with her partner. How he wanted to be her dance partner, but he never had the moves, he was not made to dance although his body had been perfected. The lifts were seamless in, the lines indescribable, and everything about Jean's dance was seen as youthful and ethereal. This is his dancer. Romeo kissed Juliet on stage and this made him jealous. How dare another man kiss what is his, what hadn't belonged to him yet, to touch her so thoughtlessly before hundreds of people.

His dancer so far away, he had buried himself in work, pain, and drugs. He called on employees to his home, Declan had the bright idea to bring work home if Noah could not come out. "Master, business must be done if we are to be successful for this end-of-the-month party, we have less than three weeks to scrap up everything because of your ridiculous time sequences. I have some cocaine if you need a spark, but for the love of Satan, please cheer up so we can meet our deadlines."

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