Ron x Entity

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if you forgot, Ron is the guy in the lab coat who befriends Nyla

(They're on Ender, at a lil cottage or something idk I'm bad at settings)

((Ron's pov))

Entity was so cool to look at. After Nyla made peace with him, he's been wearing his cloak less and less.

His red hair was usually in a low ponytail that reached down to his waist. He had cute freckles, and his skin was surprisingly light, considering how it looked pitch black when he wore his cloak.

He was handsome, to say the least.

I felt someone tap my shoulder, startling me out of my trance.

"Hey, you've been staring at Entity for a while." Nyla said.

"Oh, sorry." I replied. "He's just so interesting to look at."

"What, do you think he's handsome?~" she teased.

I blushed and didn't reply.

I could tell she used her third eye to guess what I was thinking. I tried my best to keep my mind blank so she wouldn't see anything, but I ultimately failed.

"You like him dontcha?"

I scowled and grumbled.

"Admit it!~ you've been fantasizing about him! Looking at his abs, wondering how big his d-"

"SHUT UP!" I cut her off, my face beet red. She smirked but backed off.

I watched Entity spar with Herobrine for a bit longer. Entity usually uses sickles, so he was having trouble with the sword. I get that, I'm no good with swords either. I prefer magic.

Eventually they stopped for a break. Herobrine went to hang out with Nyla, while Entity sat on the bench next to me.

"Hey Ron." He said in a monotone voice. I blushed. His voice was pretty.

"H-hey Entity."

"Heh, you stutter a lot." He commented. I blushed even harder. "Hey, I like it when you stutter. It's cute."

"R-really?" I stammered.

"Mhm." He hummed with a nod.

I could feel the heat radiating off his body. It wasn't too hot, just a comforting amount. I wonder how he's able to handle being so hot, maybe he's just used to it.

Wow, he's hot literally and figuratively, I thought with a tiny smile.

"So, you got any more cool earth facts for me?" He inquired. I chuckled.

"Spiders can make 8 different types of silk, some types are stronger than steel."

He smiled. "And I thought spiders were cool enough already." We giggled together.

Soon it was getting dark, so we had to go inside.

When it was time for bed, I realized that the place we were staying only had 3 rooms. Nyla and Herobrine could easily share one, same with Alex and Joelle, leaving the last one for Entity and me.

Nyla winked at me as I was entering the room. I rolled my eyes at her.


I never knew how much Entity moved in his sleep. I was trying to fall asleep, but was awoken by a hand on my waist. Entity pulled me closer to him, his arms wrapped around me. He was super warm, a nice change from the cold Enderian air. I didn't fight it, just snuggled closer to him. His breathing was slow and soft, and lulled me to sleep in seconds.

Nyla found me and Entity cuddling in the morning, her quiet fangirling woke me up.

I'm never hearing the end of this.

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