Rebirth (Notme and Nyla)

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Nyla and Notme are siblings

(Nyla's pov)

I sobbed uncontrollably as I held Notme's dead body in my arms, cursing the universe. His breathing stopped, his heartbeat gone. He was killed in battle. I cried his name, but he didn't respond. Everyone around was staring in shock, before bursting into tears. My little brother was gone.

As soon as I opened my eyes, he started to dissolve. His ashes spiraled around me, forming the shape of a phoenix on the ground in front of me, sparking with power. The ashes then reformed, taking the shape of a small baby. I scrambled to the crying newborn. I observed his features.

It looked exactly like Notme.

I held him in my arms, smiling tearily as he opened his eyes. He made a cute little baby laugh, melting my heart. He reached up with his tiny arms, wiping my tears as if to say, 'it's ok, I'm here.'

I held him close to my chest, as if letting him go would make me lose him again.

I sat there crying for what felt like forever until Julie tapped me on the shoulder.

We set a portal home.


Turns out Notme was a big cryer as a baby. He kept me awake for several nights at a time. I learned it was because he was uncomfortably hot at night, so I pointed a fan at him to make him stop crying. I was basically his babysitter at this point, which I didn't mind. I liked taking care of my baby brother. I smothered him with lots of hugs and kisses.

Julie put a spell on him to make him age twice as fast until age 18, so I could see him normally sooner. I'm glad she didn't just make him age immediately, he was so cute like this.

I bottle fed him a few times a day (and whenever he was hungry), played with him, and sang to him. He taught me how to turn any song into a lullaby before he died, so that made it easier.

As Notme aged, it got slightly harder to keep him entertained. Julie had a solution, and it conveniently made the forgotten characters happier. She brought towelie back!

She took a wet paper towel and split it in half the long way to make a sensory toy that she used to use. It was funny how long it could keep someone engaged by simply running it through their fingers.

One night, while I was tucking him in, he said his second first word.


I stopped and stared at him for a moment before he pointed at something across the room. It was a plush cat that I had gotten for him. It just was a soft, ginger tabby, but I knew he loved it the moment I gave it to him.

I grabbed the stuffed kitty and handed it to him. He held it in his arms and immediately fell asleep. I smiled and went to bed. 

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