the Shadow (new characters!)

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Reyu is a 19 year old girl.

Hyleo is a 20 year old boy. (Technically he's 200 of years old, but physically he's 20.)

Reyu's pov:

I took a walk on the beach like I did most days. One of the pluses of being in a family of famous doctors and a big fortune. I sometimes stayed on an island during summer. My parents usually worked during summer, so I went alone, since I was 19 now.

We weren't ordinary doctors though. We had the ability to heal people, almost magically, with our bare hands. Of course, it had limits, like not bringing people back to life, no curing aging, stuff like that. But it was still awesome.

I was so lost in thought that I almost missed the sight of a man limp on the shoreline. I took a double take before rushing over. He looked like a pirate, with a blue, tattered cape and a black captain's hat. He seemed completely unconscious. His dirty blonde hair was a mess, as if he didn't brush it in months.

"Sir? Are you alright?" He didn't respond. He was still breathing, but was bleeding from the head and a few other spots. I tried shaking him and, again, no response.

I placed my hand to the cut on his head, focusing some of my energy onto him. The cut healed, and his eyes opened. I almost screamed when he looked at me.

His eyes were pitch black.

He sat up in panic.

"Who are you?! What happened to the Shadow?!" He yelled. He had an accent that I couldn't identify.

"Slow down there!" I exclaimed. "I'm Reyu. What's your name?"

"Hyleo, captain of the... Shadow..." his voice cracked as he said shadow.

"Mind if I ask what happened to your eyes?" I asked quietly. He suddenly burst into tears, pitch black tears pouring out his nonexistent eyes.

"T-That blasted ship c-cursed m-me!!!" He sobbed, "s-she took my eyes, k-k-killed me crew!! Why did I even think searching for that thing in the first place!!" He exclaimed.

"What are you talking about? What's the Shadow?" I asked. He took a few deep breaths and started.

"My mum told me tales about a ghost ship filled with gold, a vessel that sailed without a crew or captain's hand. I grew up and became a sailor, and decided to see if I could find it. My crew and I found it after a few weeks of sailing, and we boarded The Shadow. Then... when I tried to take the helm out of curiosity..." he took a shaky breath, "she killed my crew right before my eyes. Stole their souls and cursed me. I did everything to get off the ship, but anything I tried failed. Then I took my last resort. I crashed the Shadow into this here island. I thought I died. Honestly, I would be happy with life or death, anything to get off that horrible boat."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The fact that this guy, Hyleo, went through all that made my stomach churn.

I flashed a reassuring smile.

"Hey, you don't have to worry about that anymore." I said. "You're off the Shadow now, right?" He turned to me as I put my hand on his shoulder. "You can come to my house while you recover." He returned the smile, albeit small.


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