A bad day

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Notme x Detective (again)
They are college roommates. Notme had a girlfriend named Mia.

((Detective's point of view))

I heard sobbing around 10 pm, coming from Notme's room. I found that weird, he's usually asleep by now. I knocked on his door.
"Hello?" He inquired.
"Can I come in?" I asked.
I carefully opened the door, and he was sitting on the edge of his bed, crying. I closed the door and sat next to him.
"What happened?" I asked. He sniffed.
"I messed up real bad... I accidentally summoned my alien form in class. Most people just backed into the corner in fear, but others... They beat me up, calling me a monster. Mia broke up with me, calling me a freak. And now I'm thinking... what if I am?" He answered.

I knew he was half alien, but he wasn't the kind you'd see in movies or anything like that. He was human too.
"Notme, you may be an alien, but you're my friend too. Everyone thinks that aliens are bloodthirsty, but you taught me that that is in no way true! You're awesome."
He sobbed.
"Why do you consider me your friend anyway? like they said, I'm a monster."
"Notme, don't you dare say that! You may be a monster, but you're my monster, and nothing will change my mind about that!" I yelled sternly. He gazed at me in shock. My eyes softened.

Suddenly the doorbell rang, so I went to go answer it. It was the police.
"Hello sir, are you Nolan Plexsy?"
"No, that's my friend. He doesn't really want to see anyone right now though." I replied.
"Well, he doesn't really have a choice." The officer pushed past me, going to Notme's room.
"Wait, what did he do wrong?!" I shouted as he dragged him outside. He was struggling to break free, so they gave him anesthetics, quickly knocking him unconscious. I fell to my knees as they loaded him into a truck.
I'm so sorry, Notme.

((Notme's point of view.))

I don't know how I got here, but I'm now strapped to an operating table. The light blinded me before I was able to adjust. There were some people in hazmat suits hovering over me. I knew it. I am a monster, and now they're trying to study me.
"Huh, all of the DNA tests say that he's part Native American, while the rest is unidentified." A woman said. "Maybe a blood test will give a different result." One of them had a syringe in their hand, which made me freeze. Needles scare the heck out of me. They approached me, putting the syringe next to my neck. I squirmed around, trying to get it away from me.
"It'll hurt less if you stop moving."
I gave in, I was too tired for this. I could feel everything, the needle penetrating my skin, the syringe sucking my blood, all of it. I whimpered in fear until they finally pulled it out.

"Might as well use the brain scanner while the DNA test works." One of them mentioned. They moved me to one of those big machines, which slowly moved its parts around my head. I was scared out of my mind.
"There seems to be a small part of the brain stem not present in humans."
"Think that's from the unidentified part of his heritage."
I decided to speak up. "It's how I summon my alien form." They looked at me confusedly. "I can only summon the whole thing when I'm angry."

My mind flashed back to how I was super frustrated at a question in class, causing my form to jut out without me wanting it to. I didn't notice how tears were streaming down my face as I recalled the pain of being beat up.
"Are you okay?" I was snapped out of thought.
"No..." I sobbed. I was questioning my own existence, I'm the offspring of two species from different worlds, why am I even here?! I shouldn't exist, I'm a halfbreed! A crime between species! How did my parents create me?! And more importantly, why did they create me?! I'm a complete failure!

"You're not a failure." One of the scientists told me. I said that out loud, didn't I?
"You're more interesting than anything I've ever seen!" Another said. I didn't believe them.
"I'm Not going to believe anything that's not true. I am a failure." I insisted.
"Maybe your friend can convince you."
My eyes widened. "Aiden?"

(To be continued, I'm tired.)

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