Punchline pt 2

42 0 2

Notme's pov

I woke up in a hospital room, a huge pain in my stomach from where I stabbed myself. I sat up, suddenly remembering everything I did.

The blood.

The screams.

The demon.

The power.

The darkness.

"Notme! Oh my god im so glad you're okay!" I heard Aiden's voice exclaim. He ran to my side.

"St-stay away! I'm dangerous!" I yelled. Aiden tilted his head. "D-did you not know?! I killed! I murdered! Get away, I don't want to hurt you!"

I noticed aiden had started crying. "W-why?!"

I chuckled, but it wasn't my usual voice. "Am I a joke to you too?"

I had a gleam in my eye as his face filled with horror. "You should've let me die, Aiden. By helping me, you helped him."

Before Dark could take me over, someone came into the room.

"Nolan, come with me." It was a man in a suit. I held back my power as I followed him.

He led me to a courtroom, where there were a bunch of people waiting.

"You're going to trial for mass murder." The guy whispered to me.

"Nolan Plexsy, do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in this room?" The judge said.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" I replied with a casual smile. I ignored the weirded out stares as I walked to the defendant's seat.

The case was long boring rants and objections, I barely listened until the lawyer yelled;

"The eyewitnesses say he shot glass from his hands, how could anyone possibly believe that?!"

I giggled. "Want a demonstration?"

Everyone stared in horror as I stood up, summoning a few small crystals. I blinked, and my eyes were suddenly pitch black, aside from two glowing white slits where my pupils were.

I played around with the crystals in my hand as I spoke.

"Awww, why so serious? It's me, your good ol class clown! I made everyone laugh! So why aren't you laughing now?"

"B-because you're... frightening?" The lawyer stammered.

"Frightening? No no, I'm TERRIFYING!" I shouted. "But alas, we need more than just fear. I want revenge, HE wants blood."

"He?" A random person said.

"Oh, you'll meet him in hell soon."

I shot the crystals at the person who spoke. His blood spilled on the floor. Some went to help him, but they were impaled by crystal spikes that emerged from the floor. The spikes went right through their bodies, making them look like shishkabobs. I laughed aloud as the security guards' guns evaporated before they could even grab them. I summoned that knife shard, stabbing everyone in the room one by one, until only blood and bodies were left.

I had barely any sanity left, and what sanity was there was silent.

At least, until I looked at the reflection in my knife.

Instead of a bloodthirsty monster, I saw a little boy, who looked terrified out of his mind. Until that terrified little boy turned pitch black with white eyes.

Once, I was a child who just wanted the laughter to stop.

Now, I'm a demon who wants blood to spill.

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