PUPPY!! (Notme)

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Notme (10) has an older sister named Abby. He has his telepathy as well. Draco is cutie.

((Notme's pov))

I walked through the pet store with my mom and sister. My tarantula had died a month ago, so they wanted to get me a new pet. While my mom looked at birds and my sister at reptiles, I took a peek at a few of the puppies. While most of them were in big cozy kennels, there was one that was in a concrete room about the size of my bedroom. The dog was small, and had strange cyan fur. And were those wings on his back?

"Mom, Abby! Look!" I exclaimed.

"What is it honey?" Mom looked at the doggie. "Oh my god! A wolfridite! What's it doing in a pet store?!"

Wolfridite, huh? So that's what it's called.

"It's an exotic pet. They're very smart, they each have a personality as complex as a human's." A store worker told us. "They're also relatively dangerous. They can control if their saliva is electric or not. If they bite you, it'll paralyze you. This one was returned for biting its owner's daughter."

My eyes were locked on the wolfridite, which was pawing at the glass curiously.

"What's his name?" I asked.


"How much money is he?"

"He's $10. He's cheaper than usual, since no one wanted him."

My eyes lit up, and so did Draco's.

"Can I get him, mom?"

"You sure you want him? Like I said he's kinda dangerous." The store worker asked.

"I don't care about that! You said no one wants him, but I do. He deserves someone who cares about him." I exclaimed.

"Okay, you can get him, sweetheart. Just know you'll be the one in charge of him. You'll have to feed him, pick up after him, clean him, all of that." My mom stated. I smiled so wide my face almost broke.

The store worker brought Draco out of the kennel, handing him to me.

"By the way, wolfridites don't eat dog food. They eat birds and fish, so I would recommend tuna or cat food."

I nodded. Draco started licking my face, which surprisingly didn't electrocute me. I giggled as I nuzzled into his deep blue chest fur.

The car ride home was peaceful, as it relaxed both of us. My mom and Abby were talking about Draco, but I didn't pay much attention. His wings were covered with a soft, light fuzz.

We pulled into the driveway, exiting the car. The houses were really spread out in our neighborhood, so our lawn and backyard were really big. Almost like an open meadow. Plenty of space for Draco to fly. We walked into the house, Draco following close behind me.

"Wanna see my room first?" I asked him. It almost looked like he nodded. I led him to my room. My tarantula's cage was still there, making me sad. Fuzzball was really cute for a spider. I miss him. I felt Draco nudge my hand to snap me out of my thoughts.

'You seem sad.' My telepathy picked up on Draco's thoughts. I never thought about using my telepathy on animals, since whenever I used it on Fuzzball, it only said one word at a time. But wolfridites are smart, maybe even smarter than me.

"I'm okay Draco. Just a little sad my tarantula died."

He tilted his head.

"Yeah, telepathy is cool, amiright?"

His tail wagged happily as he related to me. It seemed we could read each other's minds.

I started asking him a few questions about wolfridites so I could know how to take care of him easier. Halfway through the conversation, I heard shouting from my mom and stepdad's room. I decided to investigate, Draco following me.

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