I wish I wasn't here. (The Creator)

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Another shorty. Based off Atsuover's "Past my Prime Time".
(Irl, I am not suicidal, but I am depressed.)
T.W: swearing, suicide, lots of angst.

((Nyla's point of view))

"SH*T!!!" I heard Julie shout. It was like 1 am, why was she up? And she never swears, so something really bad must've happened. I quickly rushed to her room, but the door was locked. I yanked it open with brute force, and she was laying face down on her bed, yelling and sobbing into her pillow. I looked around the area, and there were two ropes; one tied to the ceiling and one on the floor. The one on the floor was in the shape of a noose. I gasped.
"J-Julie..." I stuttered. She lifted her head, exposing her tear stained face. "What happened?"
"I tried to end my pain, but then, THE F*CKING ROPE SNA-A-APPED!!!!" She screamed, her face buried in the bed.

"What's going on?!" The other characters were all standing at the door. They observed the situation for a moment, before immediately rushing to Julie's side.
"I JUST WANT TO SEE MY GRANDPA!" She screamed into the pillow. She sobbed so loudly, it was the only thing I could hear. I understand now.

Notme spoke up. "Julie, this," he gestured to the rope, "is the exact opposite of what he wanted!" She looked up a bit.
"You created us to make you happy." Violet said. "Tell us; what are we doing wrong?"
Julie sighed, sitting up.
"It's not you, it's me. I wanted to ask him how he was so good at everything, every spell performed perfectly, every day he was just so talented. I just wanna be at least half as good as him, but I only know ONE SPELL! THAT'S IT! I'LL NEVER BE AS GOOD AS HIM! NOT EVEN CLOSE!"

"Julie, he's not really gone, y'know?" Draco mentioned. "You used his soul to make us. We love you just as much as he did."
"We need you here!" Macha exclaimed.
"And remember what Jo said about that spell you did being extremely difficult, taking her 2 years just to learn the basics of it?" Florence asked. "You did the near impossible. Did your grandfather ever bring his OCs to life?"
"I-I guess not..." Julie stuttered.

She wiped her tears. "Thank you guys. I'm kinda glad the rope snapped now."
I smiled weakly. "Wanna have some clouds together?"
"Sure..." she said with a tiny smirk.

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