The Teasing Princess (PCB PT5)

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"umm...Lady Yukari..."

"Hmm?" Yukari looked up at Michael.

"You're rather close..." Michael said, blushing slightly, "Are you sure you'd rather not have more space to walk?"

"Why's that? Do you have a problem with keep a young and delicate lady such as myself safe in your arms a problem?" Yukari asked with a smile. She had the two of their arms locked together, while Yukar held her parasol over them, "Besides you will get hot and sweat before we get there if you don't protect yourself from the sun."

"It's the middle of winter...i'm actually cold." Michael said.

"Well then you should stick close to be warm no?" Yukari asked. Michael looked away blushing, causing Yukari to giggle, "how cute...I might have to keep you around. Tell me, how would you feel about being my faithful servant?"

"U-umm...I think I'm okay..." Michael said.

"How unfortunate...well, I'm sure I can make you change your mind~." Yukari said teasingly, poking at him. Michael blushed of course, causing her to giggle, "I forgot how fun it was to tease men my age! Oh look, we're here."

Michael looked ahead, seeing a large building. He couldn't tell if it was a mansion, a shrine, or whatever. But it was large. "Yuyuko! I'm letting myself in!"

"H-hold on!" A voice called out. There was running, and a woman skidded to a halt on the other side as Yukari opened the door, "You know you can't just come to The Netherworld un-announced, you have to let me know ahead of time!"

"Are you really going to tell Yukari she can't do something?" Michael asked, raising an eye-brow, "No one can stop this woman."

"Who are you?" Youmu asked.

"This cutie is my add-on~!" Yukari said.

"M-Mom- I mea mo- Miss Yukari! Gah!" Michael said, blushing immensely. Yukari began laughing again. She was doing this on purpose now.

"I-I see..." Youmu said, sweatdropping, "Give me a moment to wake her..." Yukari and Michael walked in as she turned her back, "Oh my goodness, YUYUKO WAKE THE HELL UP!"



"I'm sorry Youmuuuu~!"

"Yuyuko why!? Yuyuko HOW!? J-Just get dressed!"

"Whaaa! You're being so mean Youmu..."

"You have guests. Now get!" Youmu practically kicked Yuyuko out of her room.

"Eek!" Yuyuko said, hastily straightening her clothes.

"You should really work on your tidiness Yuyuko." Yukari said.

"Ah, eto...bleh!" Michael sweatdropped.

"Youmu didin't seem like the kind of person to lose her cool like that... the hell does it look like in there? Maybe Sakuya should come here for extra pay." Michael thought. There was a pause, "...well I know what my next legacy skill is."

"And who are you sweetie!?" Yuyuko asked with enthusiasm, getting close to him.


"Oh! Are you Yukari's boyfriend? Oh my, my, you must really be a charmer with the ladies to get an old lady like Yukari~." Yuyuko teased. Yukari got a tick on her head.

"I'm not old!" Yukari said. Yuyuko giggled.

"I think you're just jealous of my good looks and breasts." Yuyuko said.

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