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[Reincarnation Process interrupted!]

[Consciousness forced activation. Skills process pre-selected. Species pre-selected. Location pre-selected.]

The barrier above Gensokyo cracked, and burst open as something slammed down into the, causing dust to be sent into the air and a crater to be formed inside the Forest of Magic...


1st pov...

Time: ???

My eyes fluttered open as I lifted myself upwards. My legs were weak, arms heavy, and I felt like I was going to throw up already and I hadn't even been conscious for five seconds. As I stood up a wave of nausea forced me to fall on my back. I then slowly crawled out of the crater, and rested on the ground grass instead of the giant crater. I tried to talk, but upon attempting I couldn't get any sound out.

"the hell?" I asked myself.

[Reincarnation Process Interrupted by Hakurei Barrier! Please find a location to finish the process!] A voice in my head informed me. I was confused, but looked around. I didn't see anyone around. 

"I don't see why this place wouldn't do." I thought to myself again. I didn't understand what whack dream I was having, but I figured I should roll with it. Not to mention I was too nauseous to care.

[Process continuing.] the voice told me. I then lost consciousness again, right there on the spot. From there my vision came in and out. I saw a person, well multiple people, but blacked out. I opened them again, this time a little longer, seeing I was in some room, but I couldn't hold it as I lost my consciousness again. Before then finally...I felt a rumbling in my stomach. My eyes shot open, and I scanned the room. It was simple. I was sleeping on a pallet made on the bed, two doors to either side.

"Either a nice bystander picked me up, or someone isn't very happy I broke that barrier...with an oddly concerning name." I thought to myself. I knew the name fairly well, but it was impossible since Gensokyo was a fictional place. "Then again, I'm in a dream. So I suppose anything is possible. Though I know somebody is pissed I'm not taking him to hell to try and seduce a child...god it sounds so much worse than I thought."

I rubbed my throat. I had a fairly dry throat, but I wasn't sure if I could speak now.

"Ahhh..." I said, "well my voice is working again..."

I rolled my neck, popped my knuckles, and twisted my back. As I did I noticed a protrusion from my back. Two large black wings on my back where my ribs were. I raised an eye-brow, and looked into a convenient mirror in the room. I looked nothing like I normally would in a dream, then again if i'm not looking like myself i'd be a chick with a hell of an ass in a video game...I probably shouldn't share that. Anyway the point was, I never expected myself to look like this.

I was wearing a red short-sleeved shirt, with a black hoodie filled with a fluffy white material. I was in a pair of black pants, similar to khakis with its number and style of pockets. I had on long white socks with a pair of black tennis shoes. What was really throwing me off was that I had featherless black wings, with a width a little larger than my waist, at the bottom of my back. I could see I had crimson red-eyes. My hair was a light violet, almost blue-color; It fell a little past my ears with bangs that fell over my eyes.

"To start with, let's learn where the hell I am..." I said to myself. I slid open some doors and looked around. It was definitely not American, and more so Japanese style. Though I suppose Japan and China appear to be similar in popular media, so I suppose I could be getting it mixed up. I hummed as I looked for something to give me a general idea where I am. After about an hour of searching the house, I found a nametag on a door. Atfirst I ignored it, but as I remembered I was in Gensokyo I realized that I could probably use it to figure out where I was. However as I approached it, I came to a conundrum, "I don't know how to read this..."

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