PCB PT 2 - 'Benoni Claus on ice'

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"Oof!" Benoni grunted as he was slammed into the ice fairy.

"MICHAEL YOU MOTHER-" Claus started yelling something. Benoni saw a flash of blue, and turned his head, before narrowly dodging an attack. The ice crystal pierced his side, severely injuring his ribs. He coughed up blood, and fell onto his side, holding it tightly. As the fairy lifted her hands, creating another blast, Claus flew down and kicked her in the face, sending her flying back, "you ok dude?"

Benoni coughed up blood onto the snow.

"D-do I look okay?" Benoni asked sarcastically. Claus stared at him for a few moments.

"Yeah more or less." Claus said. He flapped his wings up and flew after Cirno. Claus lifted his hands, and fired a multitude of bullets towards her. Cirno blocked the attacks, but her guard broke and she staggered back, gritting her teeth. She then lifted her hand, shooting icicles. Claus flew up to dodge and lifted a card into the air, "Sun Sign: Sunny Orb!"

Note: I may use 'bullets' and 'danmaku' interchangeably.

Claus created a large ball of sunlight, about two times his size, and shot it forward.

"What!?" Cirno asked. She tried to grab it, and because of that it engulfed her and sent her flying back, exploding in the distance with a bright glow. Both Claus and Benoni got a notification that they leveled up, and Benoni's wounds healed. He also felt a surge of power through him. His power increased five-fold at least. Claus fell down next to the new party member.

"How was that? Pretty cool right?" Claus asked with a smirk.

"If you would have used the Spell Card at closer range, it would have been a more direct hit. An attack that basic is simple to dodge." Benoni criticized. Claus rolled his eyes, as Benoni opened his menu. The first thing he did was buy the flight skill. He then put 4 levels into his healing skill, seeing as he nearly died to one attack on the first boss he figured he needed some kind of back-up plan. Even if he wasn't to play as a white mage.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Geez you don't need to be a kick in the fa-"

Claus was kicked in the face and sent flying. Benoni jumped into the air, a blue aura surrounding him as he flew up. Claus also jumped down, looking down to see Letty slowly rising.

 Claus also jumped down, looking down to see Letty slowly rising

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"The fuck!?" Claus asked, "Why'd you kick me!?"

"Why do you think pervert?!" Letty asked. Benoni facepalmed. He could understand now why Michael wasn't going to drag him along.

"I was only staring at your tits, cal-" Claus said, before ice spikes began flying towards him from the ground, "AH!"

Benoni grabbed him and threw him out of the way, narrowly dodging the spikes themself.

"That Shrine Maiden and Magician may have escaped after their unjust allegations...but you will not!" Letty declared. Claus prepped himself with a smirk.

"Heh...keep dreaming! In case you haven't noticed, I'm a Sun Angel. You ain't touching shit." Claus said confidently, "Let's do this Benoni."

"Who said i'm going to he-"

"Fine! Both of you will perish!" Letty said, creating a ring of icicle spikes around her. Benoni sighed, pulling out his Offuda.

"Offuda-Style: Four-Pronged Barrier!" Benoni announced. He threw four Ofuda which spread out in front of the two, creating a square barrier, just in time as a volley of ice came flying at them. The barrier took the hits, blocking the attacks.

"Ha! Your attacks can't penetrate the barrier!" Claus said. The barrier then broke, and the two were bombarded with ice attacks, "Ah! Freezer Burn!"

"Stop talking!" Benoni yelled. Flying out of the barrage with Claus. Claus began absorbing the light around him, as Benoi threw six ofuda at Letty. They exploded with spiritual energy as they hit, and then Claus became engulfed in a yellow orb.

"Light-Style: Light Speed Attack!" Claus yelled. He dashed forward, and Letty felt herself being hit with an uncountable barrage of attacks. She then got a kick to the head, and sent flying into the ground with a large explosion of snow. Claus sighed, landing next to Benoni, "Now you have to be impressed."

"Well I wasn't expecting you to move at light speed. I did expect your attack not to finish her off. However luckily for us I planned for this occasion and-" Benoni began, before an ice spike flew through his chest.

"Benoni!?" Claus asked. He narrowly dodged more ice spikes.

"Hmph. Human weakness..." Letty grunted. Claus looked shocked, his eyes widened. He was killed that quick!? How could she!? Claus gritted his teeth, looking down at his...bloodless body. Claus caught onto this and became confused, before the body turned into Offuda.

"NANI!?" Letty and Claus yelled at the same time. Suddenly Benoni ran out from a treeline, jumping into the air.

"[Offuda-Style: Forty-Five Pronged Sealing]!" Benoni announced his spell card. He did a quick spin, launching a barrage of Offuda around Letty. They all then lit up as Benoni moved, and exploded in a pillar of light engulfing the winter women. He landed on the ground with finesse, and gave an exhausted sigh.

"The fuck was that!?" Claus asked.

"Youjutsu is a very diverse power set." Benoni explained. Claus huffed.

"Oh yeah sure, whatever..." Claus sighed. The snow flowed past them, making Benoni flip around. Then Letty creates a large tornado of snow.

"Cold Sign: "Lingering Cold!" Letty yelled. A volley of large blue balls (heh) fired forward before they slowed down, and a volley of smaller bullets flew out Benoni and Claus dodged the attacks, but they didn't come out unscathed as various danmaku exploded near them. Letty breathed heavily, wiping some blood off her lip. Claus dashed forward and elbowed her in the gut, uppercutted her in the chin, kneed her in the stomach, grabbed her ti- god damn it Claus-, he put the palm of his hands up against her large breast and sent her flying with a yellow blast. He looked down to Benoni, who looked at him unimpressed. They then got another EXP notification. Benoni also noticed his maximum Offuda not only increased, but refilled. Claus turned to look at Benoni.

"Let's hurry up and go catch up to Michael. I must claim my waifey!" Claus claimed, "Alice shalt be mine, Michael that bastard!"

"What-if I want her?" Benoni asked. Claus glared at Benoni, and flew off without him. He then scoffed, "Finally some peace and quiet..." 

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