The fairy with no name... (EoSD PT 1)

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Me and Claus flew through the red-tinted sky, the wind blowing past us.

"So...what am I like?" I asked.

"Huh?" he asked.

"Amnesia." I told him.

"Oh. umm...well you like Touhou, Dragon Ball Z, FPS..." He said.

"Go on."

"You're a cultured individual." He told me.



"Ah, that makes sense." I told him. We continued to fly in silence. It was kind of awkward, given my amnesia and him knowing me, but my amnesia and not knowing him, "So am I single?"

"I think so." Claus said.

"You think so?" I asked.

"I mean we died so it doesn't really-"

"I died!?" I asked, stopping in place. Claus stopped too.

" really didn't remember...okay um..." Claus stopped. His mouth remained open, but he closed it quickly, unsure what to say, "Well this is awkward."

"How the hell did I die!? I'm me! I'm literally him!" I yelled at him. He flinched slightly at my words, seemingly un-sure of his own. He took a deep breath, holding his hands together.

"Well...maybe it's best we don't talk about it." Claus said.

"Oh god it's that bad? Did I die of disease!?" I asked.


"Did I get hit by a truck!?"

"Well yes, but no not like that."

"What does that even mean!?"

"Hey, hey, hey, calm down-"

"You want me to calm down!?" I yelled at Claus, "I'm dead!"

"You're not dead anymore!" Claus told him, putting his hands on my shoulders. My eyes darted to his tiny fairy hands, and I sighed, "It's alright! Whether this is really Gensokyo, or some weird afterlife, it's okay!"

"...right." I said, nodding my head. I felt my heart slow down, gaining my calmness. We floated in the air, taking deep breaths.

"Deep breath's man...deep breaths." He told me.

"Y-yeah..." I said nodding, I took a deep breath in, and a deep breath out, "Right. Sorry."

"Keep your heads on your shoulders man." Claus said. I nodded, leaning back floating with my arms and legs crossed.

"Okay...let's hurry onto the mansion. If we hurry, we can avoid Cirno." I told him.

"I'm not worried about Cirno." Claus said. I hummed.

"What? Daiyousei? Her name was given to her by fans, I wouldn't even worry about-"

"Not her either." Claus said. I lifted an eye-brow.

"Then you must mean one of the ones in the mansion-"

"Michael for fucks sake, your forgetting debatebly the most scary one of them all!" He yelled at me. I sweatdropped. Who was I forgetting that had him so tense? "I mean Rumia! She eats people!"

" don't need to worry. She should be around the Hakurei Shrine, while we're already at the lake." I told him, "Besides, neither of us are human."

"Oh..." He said, " made me worried."

"(Besides, isn't he a sun fairy? I thought Rumia was photosensitive...or was it photosynthesis? Photosynthesis? No that's plants...I can't remember...)" I thought to myself.

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