The...Little Mistress Mansion Incident? PT 1

423 12 11

Week 1; Day 4

"I summon Burstinitrix!" I commanded, and as I called Burstinitrix appeared, "Yosha!"

"Hello master. What is it you wish?" Burstinitrix asked.

"Uh...nothing. I was just practicing." I told her. I looked over, seeing Chen stretched out in the sunlight, "Go play with the cat."

"As you command, master." Burstinitrix stated, walking to the cat. I crossed my arms and sighed. Sitting here, in Yukari's place, was great. But I honestly wanted to leave. But I had to wait on Yukari...who was STILL SLEEPING! Seriously, how much can a youkai mommy sleep!? It was starting to affect me mentally, as I could tell I was getting into a mood.

"Warning! Main quest begins in 72 hours!" The system notified me. I opened an eye, and saw the system appear, "Story Quest: Scarlet Devil Mansion incident; will begin!"

"What what!?" I yelled. Chen and Burstinitrix looked at me confused, "Seventy-Two hours!? I can't prepare in that time! I can barely beat a normal fucking fairy!"

"Are you okay Mikey?" Chen asked. I felt my heart skip a beat for a second, the cuteness of our precious kitty calling me that name. But quickly shrugged it off, with more concerning matters to be attended too.

"C'mon give me some kind of Side-Quest!" I yelled angrily. The window popped up. I looked confused, as three dots appeared. Then a loading wheel. A few moments later, a new window popped up.

"Side-Quest. Entertain the little-mistress. Do you accept it?" The system asked.

"Uh...sure?" I asked. The menu disappeared, and for a moment nothing happened. Then I heard a crack. Then another, and another, before there was a bright flash, and then it faded to black.


My vision blurred, I groaned as I stood up and felt my body sore. I yawn and look up.

"Where am I?" I asked myself. I looked at the large, scarlet colored mansion in front of me. It didn't take long for me to figure out where I was, making me screech in fear, "I thought I had three days!" I looked at the menu. I still had 71 hours, "okay then...? What does Entertain the little mistress mean? Does it mean Flandre?"

"Hey you!" A female voice yelled. I looked over, seeing a woman approach. She had a lean body, with a pretty big rack, and long red hair which seemingly faded into purple. She wore a light blue, maybe white dress, and a black coat with gold.

" shit. I guess I really am lost." I said, a pair of drums going off in my head.

"I can't let you pass, unless you have an invention." She told me. My mind swirled for a moment. I knew who this was but...I also couldn't remember. Damn you selective amnesia.

"So uh...who are you?" I asked. She gave a confident smirk.

"I'm the Immovable Demons Gate: Hong Meiling!" She told me.

"I'm the Immovable Demons Gate: Hong Meiling!" She told me

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"Ah...that's what I thought." I said. I mean with a rack like tha- I mean hair color like that, there really was only one choice. Definitely the hair color I was paying attention to, though I couldn't remember a time where her hair was turning purple.

"If you don't have an invitation, please leave!" Meilling told me. The system appeared in my view.

"Side Mission updated: Defeat the Immovable Demons Gate!" It told me. I sighed. I knew I was screwed, but the mission is a mission. At the very least, I could try to make this less...evil? Ugh...I hate hitting ze waifus, ze.

"Gate Guardian!" I declared, "I! The demon, Michael Yuukaza, challenges you to a match, so that I may test my strengths! Surely a Martial Artist such as yourself should be willing to accept my query."

"What?" Meiling said, looking surprised, "I'm impressed you're aware of what a good Martial Artist looks like. Very well, let us have a bout!"

I slanted down slightly, one fist at my side, another infront of me. Meiling did her own pose, and I steadied my breath. And then the beat (metaphorically) dropped. I ran forward with a kick, but was easily counted into a spin and sent back with a thrust of her hand. I held my hand on my wrist, firing multiple red danmaku, which she quite easily kicked away, however it was a distraction to get close and punch. However she quite easily dodged my flurry of blows, and kneed me in the chin, and sent me back again with a thrust.

"If that's all, I gotta say you're outmatched. I do have a thousand years of expertise, after all." Meiling said proudly. I huffed as I evened out my air again. I did a twirl and held a card into the air.

"Spell Card!" I yelled. A red pentagram appeared below me, magical particles flowing around me, "Summon: Burstinatrix!" Burstinitrix appeared next to me in an explosion of flames. I pointed towards Meiling, and Burstinitrix nodded, rushing the opponent. The Fire Angel threw a punch but was easily countered, however unlike me Burstinitrix could at least block a blow. I fired multiple danmaku, Burstinitrix jumped into the air and shot fiery danmaku down at them. Meling breathed in, and then trusted her hands outward, and with a shout a gust of air blew away our attacks, "Kiai shout!? This isn't Dragon...umm...Dragon...Quest?"

I scratched my head trying to figure out what I was thinking of, but Meiling began firing her own Danmaku at me. I gave a yelp, as I began to maneuver my way through the bullet hell. I received multiple cuts, and one of them hit my wings, making me flinch in a massive amount of pain.

"Even with numbers, you won't get through this gate!" Meiling said. I kneeled down, and held my bleeding wing. Not that I could use the damn thing, it still hurt like a bitch. Burstinatrix landed next to me.

"Are you okay Master?" Burstinatrix asked me.

" fine." I grunted.

"I've never seen a fairy like that..." Meiling noted, before closing her eyes and giving a giggle. "Now that you've seen my skill, you may lea-"

"Spell Cardo!" I yelled, opening my second spell card. Meiling sighed, "It's over Meiling! I developed this attack in...two days, and have barely any practice with it, nor the elemental magics to boost its power! I also have no idea why it appeared in one of my dreams! But even then, there's no way you can stop this attack!"

"What?" Mieling asked, getting into position. I cupped my hands together, water appearing between them. I felt the power flow, develop, and concentrate. She couldn't handle my latest attack. No one could.

"Emerald Splash!" I yelled. Green Danmaku flew out of my hand towards Meiling. Meiling tensed, and time slowed down as I saw my victory approach, "(Okay. this won't kill her. But-)"

"Hyah!" Meiling kicked one danmaku, and then swiftly kicked the rest of the danmaku away.

"What!? Impossible! No one can just deflect the Emerald Splash!" I yelled, dumbfounded at this impossible feat of strength. I wasn't able to comprehend the godly strength required, even for a youkai, to deflect such a devastating technique! Before I could process this, she then dashed forward, the window pushing me back, and I got gut punched, "N-nani...?"

I fell onto the ground, something white flying out of my coat, holding myself in pain.

"M-master!" Burstinitrix called out, kneeling at my side.

"Ah...kill me..." I grunted holding my stomach in pain. Meiling stood over me, victoriously holding her hands at her saide.

"Hahaha! I've bested your...ultimate..." Meiling stopped, picking something off the ground, a sweat appearing. "Huh!? This is a seal of the Scarlet Devil Mansion!" her face then turned to dread, "And it's the mistress's seal! Where did you get this!? ...I sincerely hope the mistress doesn't get mad..."

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