36 Where's the damn spell?!

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(Dalhae's pov)

"I think it's time I tell you the truth, Dalhae"

I clasped Yeonjun's hand in concerned as he coughed more blood. I held my breath, waiting for his words. "What is it?" I inquired softly.

He took a shuddering breath, his eyes beginning to glaze over. "I don't really have a fear of heights," Yeonjun confessed, his voice barely a whisper. "I'm just not strong enough... since I'm dying"

Confusion mingled with worry washed over me. "But you're a vampire" I stammered, trying to comprehend his revelation.

Yeonjun chuckled softly, his weakened voice filled with bittersweet amusement. "I am, but only half vampire and half human. It's a peculiar existence, isn't it? Throughout my life, I've questioned why a human and a vampire would come together and create a monster like me"

"To be honest," I admitted, my voice barely above a whisper, "The mere existence of vampires in this world still feels surreal to me. But you, Yeonjun, you are not a monster. You're still human, and perhaps there's a way for you to become fully one"

"I'm not sure about that. Time is running out for me, and escaping this island is my only hope" He confessed with a heavy sigh.

I met his gaze, determination burning in my eyes. "Then we cannot afford to waste any more time. Let's go"

"But your foot Dalhae.. how are you holding up?" He asked, concern etched on his face.

I couldn't help but chuckle, filled with disbelief. "Are you seriously asking me how I'm coping with a simple foot injury? I'm okay, please don't worry"

He shook his head, his worry deepening. "No, that's not what I mean. I'm referring to how you're gradually vanishing before my eyes"

My heart skipped a beat as I realized he was right. "Oh shit! I almost forgot about that" My gaze fell to my left arm, now completely gone. It's such a bizarre sensation to witness your own self fading away, as if you were nothing at all.

But then, an unexpected burst of laughter escaped his lips. I couldn't help but join in because of the sheer absurdity of how we look right now. He nonchalantly wiped the blood from his mouth with his white sleeve and struggled to rise to his feet. Yet, against all odds, he managed to stand tall.

"Neither of us is exactly at our best right now" He remarked, a wry smile tugging at his lips.
"Yeah, it's definitely a bit breezier on my left side" I quipped, trying to find humor amidst the chaos.

He let out a contented sigh, his determination evident. "Let's locate that damn spell and revert back to our original selves before it becomes too late for the both of us"

We started walking, looking weird as shit but we're still both walking. I'm fallowing him wherever. I don't know where we are going. I should ask him.

"So, how do we uncover the spell? In a cave or in water? Somewhere else?" I inquired eagerly.

He shook his head, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "No. None of the above"

"Then where?" I persisted.

"It's not where, it's who"

As if on cue, our eyes fell upon a peculiar makeshift house nestled among the trees. It's looking quite nice actually. An elderly gentleman sat upon its porch, puffing away at his pipe.

I watched as Yeonjun inhaled deeply, his eyes filled with apprehension. Cautiously, we made our way towards the elderly man, uncertain of what awaited us.

"Hello" The old man greeted, his voice interrupted by a cough induced by the smoke.

"Um, hi?" Yeonjun replied, unsure of how to proceed.

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