25 Jealousy

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(Yunho's origin story pov)

~ Back in 1652

Why can't she see me? I am prepared to offer her my entire heart, even willing to sacrifice my own existence, yet she remains entangled with Hongjoong.

I still vividly recall the moment I held her in my embrace, our hearts intertwined as one. We made a solemn vow to never part ways. I promised her the world and more. And yet, it seems that all she yearns for is him.

Seated in the dimly lit town house, my hands clenched tightly. This couldn't be the end, not after all we had built together.

Our life was once filled with such beauty, until his arrival, like a thief in the night, tore her away from my grasp. I had believed that our love was eternal, a bond that could never be broken. Sujin...

How could fate be so cruel as to introduce that repugnant pirate into our lives at this precise moment? The mere thought of him disgusts me to my very core. The bed we once shared, now tainted by his presence, became a place of torment and anguish. And any semblance of joy that dared to approach my desolate existence was swiftly taken out.

Without her, I am nothing but a hollow shell, a mere shadow of my former self. Each morning, I awaken with a fervent wish to be rid of my existence altogether. The sight of her entwined with him fills me with an overwhelming sense of revulsion.

The night was cold and still as my tears fell one by one onto the moonlit ground. My heart was shattered into a million pieces as I kept thinking of both of them together. I tried to shake my head of such thought.

The pain was unbearable, suffocating me. It felt as if the darkness of the night had seeped into my very soul. "Why me? Why can't I be with the woman I love? I did everything I could," Fury consumed me, demolishing everything within the confines of my home. "He can't win like that"

Lost in my despair, I had no control over my actions. A strange idea entered my mind, crazed and desperate. I sprinted through the streets, chased by my own delusions. Desperation gave birth to foolishness, as I found myself standing outside the eerie abode of a witch.

Before I could talk myself out of it, the front door creaked open, revealing a figure cloaked in darkness. A shiver traveled down my spine, but I had come too far to turn back now.

"Who dares disturb me at this hour?" The witch's voice echoed through the night. Her eyes fell upon me, piercing through my soul.

Her voice was deep and sinister as she spoke, "What brings thee to me, young man? A broken heart, perhaps?"

Tears streamed down my face as I nodded, unable to find the words to express my pain. "I want to forget her, to rid myself of this agony," I managed to choke out between sobs. "Please, help me"

The witch's laughter echoed off the walls, chilling me to the bone. "I can grant you your wish, young man. But be warned, there is a price to pay" Her malevolent smirk deepened, her nails tapping against the wooden table.

"I don't care about the price," I declared, desperation fueling my determination. The witch's eyes gleamed with twisted amusement as she scrutinized me.

"I yearn for her to taste the bitter sting of regret, to feel the weight of her decision to abandon me. And as for him, I desire nothing less than for him to suffer just as I have," I added, my voice now brimming with seething fury.

Her skeletal fingers extended toward me, wrapping around my wrist. "Very well. I shall grant your wish, but know this: once the transformation is complete, there is no going back"

Before I could comprehend her words, a flash of blinding light consumed me. When it subsided, I looked down at my hands, only to see pale, lifeless skin.

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