12 Party party yeah

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We drove into town. Before we decided on a spot to drink, I looked online for some up to date bars or whatever. I found one called : Twilight. Ah, quite fitting, you know, a vampire. Twilight, ah.

As both Seonghwa and I sat at the bar, we talked about everything and nothing. This is just what I needed, spending some time with someone whom I am familiar with. The dimly lit space is alive with a vibrant energy, not like in the cold mansion. There's even some jazz music playing, I feel like I'm in a gangster movie.

I took another sip of my drink. "You know it's just, like, I can't understand him. And the director wants us to all work together. I feel like I can't do it"

Seonghwa slightly furrowed his brows. "You're doing a great job, I don't understand how you can't see it for yourself"

"I might be doing a great job but it's so hard, Seonghwa! I'm always so tired at the end of the day" I painlly laughed from the lack of sleep that I'm getting.

Seonghwa chuckled, his eyes sparkling mischievously. "Oh, come on, Dalhae. You secretly love the thrill of it all. A vampire as a coworker? It doesn't get any more dramatic than that"

I rolled my eyes, a smirk tugging at the corner of my lips. "Dramatic, yes. But also frustrating"

As the night wore on, our conversation drifted towards our university days. "Remember that time when you accidentally set the chemistry lab on fire?" I asked, chuckling at the vivid image of a panicked Seonghwa desperately wielding a fire extinguisher.

"I thought that day was going to be my last day on earth" Seonghwa admitted, a twinkle of amusement in his eyes.

I laughed as I remembered. "But why did you just stand there, dumbfounded? I had to be the one to snap you out of it"

"I was shook" He said with a hand on his heart. "That's such a 2016 expression, you're an old man" I joked around. He's not old, he just doesn't like to be called old, I'm just teasing him. That made me get a playful side eye from him.

"No, remember this?" He showed me his phone with a photo of myself when I accidentally coloured my hair neon green.

I cringed and turned my head away. "Ew, not my proudest moment. If I find the little shit who swiped dye boxes, it's over for them"

"You looked like a walking neon sign" He chuckled while still staring at the photo.

I narrowed my eyes in his direction. "Okay don't add fuel to the fire"

"Or a good pair of neon green sport shoes" He added, nodding playfully.

I had to counterattack. "Then remember that time when you stole a hundred dollars from your parents just so we could buy a small penthouse for your hamster?"

"It was so cute. Sad that Fluffy-pants died two days after" He said, his gaze dropping sadly. I tried so hard to hold back my laughter, but it just came out anyway. His lips curled into a smirk, and he couldn't help but join in my laughter.

I chugged down my drink in a single gulp, feeling the surge of energy from the now more lively music. Seonghwa's eyes widened as he reached for his own drink, contemplating whether he should do the same.

I stood up and took hold of his hands. "Let's go dance, baby"

He scratched the back of his neck, giving me a reluctant gaze. I pouted, but I already know he's going to fallow me.

Without another word, he downed the remainder of his drink, shaking his head slightly at the strong taste of alcohol.

"I can't dance but I'll watch you" He let me on the dance floor like a dad leaving his kid at school. "Come back here!" I playfully grabbed his wrist, pulling him back towards me.

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