10 I just became a criminal

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Her eyes bored into mine like piercing needles. What? The people walking around the exhibition didn't seem to mind our heated up conversation.

As I reached for the doorknob, she firmly placed her hand on top of mine, hindering my ability to open it. Despite my utmost effort, she tightly squeezed my hand, causing me to wince in pain. I can't believe what is going on.

As the door swung open suddenly, my heart raced as I locked eyes with Seonghwa, his breath labored from running around. His face flooded with relief upon seeing me.

"I've managed to escape" He gasped, his smile brimming with relief.

But there's no time to dwell on that. He seized my hand and we dashed away. I glanced back at Soo Yun and defiantly showed her the finger.

In a state of panic, we sprinted through the museum, our destination unknown to me. "I thought my heart would give out! That girl, she's absolutely terrifying, Seonghwa. I nearly fainted" I gasped, struggling to catch my breath.

"I have no clue what's happening either. The crew is on a whole new level of scary today" He responded.

"Wait! Where is Hongjoong? We need to find him!" I exclaimed, urgency lacing my words.

Seonghwa halted us in a deserted hallway, the sound of approaching footsteps growing louder. I scanned my surroundings, a wave of shock washing over me, urging me to flee once more. Until I saw that the person running to us is Hongjoong.

My legs threatened to buckle, but Seonghwa caught me just in time.

Hongjoong arrived. "I escaped! And, Dalhae, you'll be proud of me. I didn't have to sacrifice anyone's life," Then he did the most beautiful smile I've ever seen in my life. Never before had I seen him smile so freely, so genuinely. "Shall we go?" He asked, turning towards me. His eyes sparkled with anticipation, and I found myself unable to tear my gaze away from his mesmerizing face.

"Um, Dalhae?" He called, his voice pulling me back from the depths of my sudden weird infatuation.

"Oh, yes," I stammered, shaking my head to clear the haze that had clouded my thoughts. "I'm coming"

"Let's uncover what truly belongs to me" He declared. I furrowed my brow, perplexed by his statement, yet Seonghwa merely nodded, as if he already comprehended Hongjoong's intentions.

So here we are, huddled beneath the desk, seeking refuge from yet another exhibition that is currently underway. No like, imagine 3 adults just hiding under a desk? Yeah?

"And why are we all squished under this desk?" I attempted to retrieve my phone from my side pocket but instead, my hand brushed against something unexpected. Seonghwa let out a small squeak. "Dalhae, that's definitely not your phone"

"Ahh! I'm so sorry" I muttered sheepishly.

"It's there" Hongjoong's eyes narrowed as he focused on something in the distance.

We all followed his gaze, our heads shooting up like three curious cats. And then, I saw it.

There, resting on a pedestal and glass box, was a gleaming silver knife. Its blade seemed to shimmer in the dim light of the museum, hinting at a hidden power. And beneath it, a small card with a description that read, 'The Shadow's Bane: A weapon forged to vanquish the immortal'

"That's mine," He declared, and I turned to Hongjoong with furrowed brows, a mix of confusion and astonishment welling up within me. "I can't fathom how this ended up here, but it unquestionably belongs to me"

Seonghwa, couldn't resist chiming in. "And can I ask how this is supposed to kill that enemy of yours?"

Hongjoong turned in Seonghwa's direction, squinting his eyes. "It's a silver blade, crafted specifically for the annihilation of vampires"

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