18 Don't leave me now

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"We're here" He announced, bringing the boat to a halt, the engine's rumble settling into a hushed silence.

My eyes widened. "Already?"

"I told you it wasn't that far. Look at the map" He pointed the map as if I would understand it. I nodded, though its complexity was lost on me. His amusement was evident as he chuckled at my concerned expression.

"Now what?" I asked, unsure of our next steps.

"We jump" Before he could leap into the water, I quickly grabbed his collar, ensuring he stayed on the boat.

I turned him to face me "You might be a powerful vampire pirate but I'm only a human," I looked around the boat anxiously, my brows furrowed in worry. "You can't leave me here alone"

"I wasn't planning to" Hongjoong chuckled, his finger inching closer to my face. He playfully booped my nose, leaving me even more perplexed.

A bigger smile formed on his lips. "Now, fallow me"

He jumped into the water without hesitation. Panic surged through me as I contemplated my options. "Why did I fallow him? He's a vampire and I'll probably die today, yeah he's taking me inside the water to drink all my blood that's why" I murmured to myself. My thoughts halted abruptly as I witnessed Hongjoong emerging from the water.

"We don't have all day, miss. Come on" He urged.

I inhaled sharply and jumped into the water, my heart pounding. The coldness of the water shocked my system, and I couldn't help but curse inwardly. "You know that humans can't breathe underwater" I deadpanned, with a hint of sarcasm.

"Just try" He docked down again.

I huffed, forcing a pained smile to my lips. I'll just fallow him at this point. If I die today then I die today. I docked down into the water, unsure of what to expect. But then... Why is my vision so clear? I could see everything with utmost clarity, as if I were still on dry land.

As I gazed underwater, he met my eyes with a playful smile. I could see his lips form the words, "Told you"

I swam to the surface, my eyes wide with awe as I stared at Hongjoong. "How can I see you and hear everything so clear underneath the water?"

"Vampire powers," He said with a smirk. "As you said yourself"

This is the strangest phenomenon I've ever experience. It even feels like I can breathe under water! Wait a minute, maybe the water is just going in my lungs and I'll slowly die?

I closed my eyes tightly, immobile in the water. I suddenly felt him grab my hand. Reluctantly, I cracked open one eye, cautiously peeking at him. "You're alright, Dalhae" He even smiled warmly at me. What the heck.

I followed him as we swam through the crystal-clear waters. Look, if this is my destiny to die here then that's that. I can only see fishes and corals right now. There's no ship in sight. It's actually kind of fun.

As we descended further into the depths, darkness began to envelop us. I instinctively grasped his hand tighter, my heart pounding in my chest. "We're almost there" He reassured me. My heart is beating fast.

A group of fish darted past us, and there it emerged from the shadows - his sunken ship. My eyes widened in awe at the sight before us.

"Whoa" Was the only thing I could say.

"My Sunrise" He smiled, a bit of melancholy in his eyes.

It should be scary but I'm actually so intrigued. The ship, now submerged and hidden beneath layers of seaweed and coral, stood as a silent testament to a forgotten era. Its weathered hull, adorned with barnacles and algae, spoke of countless voyages and untold stories. The sight of this sunken relic invoked a mixture of awe and sadness, a reminder of the fragility of human endeavors and the relentless power of the sea.

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