27 Illusion

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(Hongjoong's pov)

I stepped out of the room, only to find Seonghwa and Jongho huddled together near Dalhae's door. I reached out to grab the handle, but a burning pain shot through my hand, forcing me to recoil.

"What's going on, mister Hongjoong? We can't even open Dalhae's room!" Seonghwa inquired, worry etched on his face.

"The game is not over, go to your designated room and shout your name again. And NEVER, never, look behind you" I warned, emphasizing the importance of this rule.

Both of them nodded, their expressions filled with a resolute determination to bring this absurd game to its conclusion.

I glanced downward, sensing a slight tug on my suit vest. "And why on earth are you still carrying that goat?" The goat had taken a liking to my suit, nibbling away at the fabric.

"Emotional support goat" Jongho replied, seemingly unfazed by the goat's disruptive behavior.

"Alright," I said, casting a quick glance at Jongho and then Seonghwa. "You know what to do, let's go"

With a sighed, I got back to my assigned room. As I closed the door behind me, an eerie silence engulfed the room, broken only by the flickering flames of the candles that suddenly burst to life. I scanned the dimly lit space, my eyes darting from corner to corner.

I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind. I won't turn around. I firmly held my ground, determined not to grant the entity the satisfaction of victory.

"What do we have here?" A dark, gravelly voice sneered behind me, it's a man.

"Go back to where you belong entity, back to hell" I hissed, my gaze fixed ahead, refusing to acknowledge its existence.

"Funny how you dare utter such words to your own kind. Shall we descend to hell together, Hongjoong?" The sound of footsteps echoed ominously behind me. Who is this?

"How do you know my name?" I asked, my voice laced with caution.

He emitted a sinister chuckle. "Me? I know everyone. Didn't you know? I'm the one who can tell you your future"

"This is merely a human-made game, it's not real. You are not truly part of the game. You are nothing more than a demon who has found a way to infiltrate its realm" I retorted.

He loudly cackled with a sinister tone, the sound echoing through the air. However, instead of staying at a distance, he crept closer to me. He leaned in, his voice a venomous whisper in my ear.

"Tell me, Hongjoong, how does it feel to wake up and find yourself face to face with a doppelgänger of Sujin?" His taunting words dripped with provocation, attempting to lure me into his game. I shook my head, refusing to give in to his manipulation.

He leaned in my other ear. "Don't you feel your heart stir in every imaginable way? After all this time, do you still cling to Sujin like a desperate fool? You can't move on?" He said with fake empathy, he even added a cackle at the end of his sentence.

"Shut up!" I exclaimed, my breaths growing heavier with rage. "They're not the same person. I cannot and will never perceive Dalhae as Sujin. It's impossible"

"Shall we put that to the test then? Who will you choose?" He challenged, his words echoing through the room as the candles flickered out in unison. Suddenly, the darkness enveloped me, leaving me utterly helpless. Even my vampire ability to see in the dark seemed useless. How could this be?


I turned around, my heart sinking at the sound of that hauntingly familiar voice. Panic instantly washed over me. What had I done now?

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