28 So handsome

120 11 5

(Dalhae's pov)

I long for him to cease gazing at me with such longing in his eyes. He has the opportunity to embark on a fresh journey, one where he can live life on his own terms.

"Dalhae..." Hongjoong clasped onto my arm, preventing my departure from the room. I spotted Seonghwa patiently waiting for me.

"I don't have anything else to say to you, mister Hongjoong" I firmly stated, removing his hand from my arm.

Leaving the room, I rushed towards Seonghwa, embracing him tightly. Relief washed over me.

"I was so scared" I admitted.

"I thought something bad had happened to you, Dalhae" He whispered, embracing me even tighter.

I let him go. "Should we go and continue our Kdrama?" I suggested, hoping to divert our thoughts. He responded with a nod and a gentle smile.

"Um," A small a timid voice broke the silence from behind us. Seonghwa and I turned around to find Hongjoong standing there, uncertain if we would welcome his presence. "May I join you?" He asked, his eyes darting between the two of us.

I squinted my eyes, but Seonghwa gave a nod of approval.

"Shall we go for drinks instead? I'm feeling more like it tonight," I suggested, shifting my gaze to Hongjoong. "Can you drink, mister vampire?"

He scoffed, offended by the question. "Who do you take me for? Asking a captain if he can handle his liquor is like asking if the sun will rise tomorrow"

"Alright then, let me go change and we'll be on our way"

Before I could even take a step, I felt a series of gentle taps on my shoulder. "Um Dalhae.." It's Jongho.

"Can I bring my goat?" He asked, pointing to the animal. To my surprise, he had even put a little hat on the goat. Oh boy.

"No" Seonghwa, Hongjoong, and I all said simultaneously.

Jongho sighed disappointedly, removing the hat from his goat's head. "Okay"


We decided to revisit the same bar Seonghwa and I had been to before. I don't know if it's a good idea to bring Hongjoong to a modern bar but.. there's a first for everything. I adorned myself in a short black dress paired with a sleek leather jacket, feeling rather cute.

"Don't act strange. Just act like a normal human being, okay?" I advised as we entered the bar. 

Hongjoong gave a nod, but then quickly turned his head and greeted a random passerby. "Hi!" He exclaimed, and then repeated it again to someone else.

I quickly reached out and took his hand. "Not like that, just act.. chill"

He paused for a moment, contemplating. "Chill.. It is a tad chilly tonight" He remarked.

I let out a sigh, realizing that this was probably going to be a long night. Anyway, I just want to drink now. The evening had already been filled with unexpected events. To be honest, too much happened.

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