4 Babysitting

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I ran along the beach in my heels. Try running with heels in the sand, it's almost impossible. My heart is beating so fast, he couldn't have gone far. I looked around frantically, feeling the cold wind on my skin. If I lose him, the director will beat my ass. I'm not kidding, and seonghwa would probably just look at me with a disappointed look. Oh, you don't ever want to see that look.

Suddenly, I heard a child cry and my attention shifted. I swiftly turned my head to witness Hongjoong attempting to snatch a boat toy from the grasp of an innocent kid.  He's really putting his everything in it. "Oh my gosh!" I grabbed his waist and pulled him away from the child. The little one scurried off, likely in search of his mother.

"What's your problem?" I asked in utter disbelief.

His knees gave out and he dropped on the sand, his gaze fixed on the horizon, filled with sorrow. "How can it be?" He whispered, his voice heavy with pain.

I stood there not really knowing what to do. I'll let him have his moment. "I had made a promise to myself never to awaken again, for the pain would have been unbearable. And it appears I was correct" He uttered, his hand clutching at his heart.

My face tightened with tension as I crouched down beside him. To my surprise, I noticed his eyes welling up with tears. I didn't know the rude vampire had emotions. But then, he turned to me. "Why do you look so much like her?" He said, his voice laden with anguish.

Confusion etched across my face, I furrowed my brows. "Do I look like I know what you're talking about?"

Without a word, he swiftly retrieved the toy boat he had dropped on the ground earlier and headed towards the car. An expression of irritation crossed his face as he turned to me. "I want to go home" He demanded, his frustration evident.

I sighed, completely perplexed by his behavior. I'm an archeologist, not a vampire babysitter. A job is a job, I guess. 

On the drive back to his mansion, my mind raced with confusion. Why did he seem so broken? What was he referring to? I glanced over at him occasionally, but he remained silent, gazing out the window.

As we arrived, the imposing structure seemed to mirror the weight of secrets that lingered within Hongjoong's heart. I followed him inside, determined to learn more about the enigma that he is. Maybe the director is right, this will really be a great opportunity for the crew. A vampire? Ah, you don't see that everyday.

It appears that the crew has already settled comfortably into the mansion. I can't help but wonder why Hongjoong had such a sudden change of heart. One moment he was practically kicking us out, and the next he was allowing us to stay. I'm still standing with my statement that he doesn't have all his head.

As I stepped into the dining room, I couldn't help but be in awe of its grandeur. The table boasted an impressive thirty chairs, and a magnificent chandelier hung above, casting a mesmerizing glow. Jongho is there, packing up some of his equipments.

"Hey, everything's alright?" He asked, a hint of a smirk on his lips. "How did it go with the vampire?"

"Aaaah, I'm so worn out. He's a handful" I replied wearily.

He chuckled, his gummy smile on full display. I glanced around and noticed that Hongjoong had disappeared. Oh well.

"Where's Seonghwa?" I inquired, turning to Jongho for answers.

"Pretty sure he's in his room. Do you know that this mansion has like 100 rooms?!" Jongho exclaimed, his eyes widening in disbelief. "That's so crazy"

"So, we even get our own rooms? What a generous vampire" I chuckled.

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