34 Blood betrayal

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(Dalhae's pov)

"So? What do you say? Deal or not?" Yeonjun asked, raising an eyebrow.

I narrowed my eyes and let out a sigh. Well, I don't really have a better choice in this vampire infested island. I'll trust him.. for now.

"Alright. Let's get this thing done with" I grumbled and he responded with a wide grin.

Glancing down at my injured foot, I hesitated. "There's just one small problem," I began, catching his attention. "I don't think I can walk"

Before I knew it, he swiftly scooped me up and placed me on his back. I wasn't ready for that. "See? Problem solved" He declared. I nodded, surprisingly not opposed to the idea. "Yeah, easy peasy lemon squeezy"

"Wow" He replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"Alright, let's find the freaking spell or whatever and let's get the hell out of this place" I said, adjusting myself comfortably on his back.

"Then, let's be on our way" He then started walking. He was walking..? Confusion washed over me. I lightly tapped his shoulder. "Um?" He questioned.

"Shouldn't you be leaping from tree to tree at lightning speed? You're a vampire at the end of the day"

"Well, about that..," Yeonjun stammered, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "I kinda have a fear of heights"

"What? Are you for real?" I exclaimed, unable to hide my surprise.

Though I can't see his face, I could almost picture his pout. "It's... an unfortunate condition" He murmured, clearly feeling embarrassed.

Unable to stifle my laughter, I teased, "You were trying to appear all cool earlier, but it turns out you're just a wimp, huh?"

Yeonjun let out a huff, adjusting his grip on me. "You're quite hurting my feelings, Dalhae" He said sarcastically, annoyed that I found it amusing.

"Sorry, sorry" I apologized, though I couldn't help but keep a smile on my face.

He turned his head to the side, rolling his eyes, but a slight smile appeared at the corners of his lips. "You're lucky I like you, otherwise, I'd be dropping you right about now"

I chuckled, ruffling his hair. "Well, I have a fear of spiders, so I guess we're even. I work with mummies, so yeah. Almost had a heart attack a couple of times" I confessed, trying to make him feel better.

He turned his head to the side again, I could see his lips curved into a mischievous smile. "Just remember, I have other... skills that compensate for my fear"

"Ew, I didn't need to know that" I said, cringing slightly, and he chuckled in response.

We walked, well, he walked a little more but I can't help but feel like we're going in circles. It's literally the same trees and dark paths. My head is starting to hurt, and I'm getting a bit dizzy from the constant loop.

He broke the comfortable silence. "So, can you tell me who's that Hongjoong that I keep hearing about? Your boyfriend?"

I almost gasped a little at hearing Hongjoong's name. "He's someone I know" I replied, my voice a little too nonchalant for my liking.

"Just someone you know? That's a shame. I was hoping for a more exciting story, something scandalous, perhaps" He teased.

"I accidentally opened his coffin where he had been sleeping for 371 years and now I'm stuck with him" I blurted out, the words tumbling out of me like a rushing river.

"Whoa, damn, that's a lot. Talk about being bound by fate. That's actually beautiful if you think about it" He mused.

"Fate?" I cocked my head in confusion at his remark.

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