Chapter 25: Awake

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*Also a short chapter because I'm traveling! Didn't want to leave yall waiting too long though!*

My head pounds as I wake up in a different room. My vision is blurry. I hear arguing next to my bed.

"Dammit Mattheo how many times do I have to say it. I didn't mean to stab her. She walked right in front of me."

"Yes Theodore, as you were about to stab me!" Mattheo yells.

"I wasn't actually going to stab you. I was just gonna scare you with it."

I sit up a little. Pain radiates through my torso.

"You two are the loudest toddlers I have ever met." I groan.

My vision clears. Mattheo smiles with a tear in his eye as he walks towards my bedside.

"Oh Sunshine." He kisses my forehead. Theodore rolls his eyes.

"She was going to be fine. It was barely puncturing organs." Theodore grumbles.

"You Theodore Nott I will deal with later so help me god. And you- you have been fighting with him. You are my boyfriend. You are mine and the fact you think you have to fight for it is ridiculous. I get you have anger management issues, but you have to be the bigger person!"

I finish my rant panting. Both boys look at me with wide eyes. Draco storms in suddenly face red.

"Mattheo Marvolo Riddle, you got my sister pregnant?!" He yells.

Mattheo looks over at me pale. I shake my head at him.

"Draco what the hell are you talking about?" I ask confused.

He waves a positive pregnancy test in the air.

"How dare you. How dare you take advantage of my sister."

Mattheo starts to speak but Pansy comes in.

"Dammit Draco that test is mine." She sighs and grabs it out of his hand.

"Well cats out of the damn bag. I'm pregnant. For real this time."

Draco goes pale.

"There was a first time?" Mattheo asks.

I shake my head at him.

"Story for another day." I try to get up but pain spikes in my body. I wince.

"Mi Amor. Don't even try. You are too weak right now."

I look up at him.

"The fuck I am."

I stand up in pain and walk over to Pansy.

"For the record, he didn't take advantage of me Draco, when we fuck, it's consensual." I smile sarcastically.

Draco still pale doesn't laugh at the joke and walks over to Pansy.

"You're- we're having a baby?" He whispers.

"Yes Draco. We are having a baby."

Draco looks up at her and smiles. He picks her up and spins her in the air. Enzo storms in.

"I called it. When she didn't want Tequila I knew it was a sign!" Enzo yells.

We all looked at him puzzled. I thought you were sleeping?"

Enzo shakes his head as we all laugh.

"Everyone as much as I love you all and I'm happy for you two, I need to talk to Mattheo alone."

Pansy nods and leads the boys out. She shuts the door. Mattheo lays down next to me.

"What's up Sunshine?" He strokes my hair.

"We aren't there yet obviously, but what if the test was mine..."

He looks me in my eyes.

"I'd thank my lucky stars that you were the mother of my children. The most amazing woman on earth." He whispers.

I smile and look into his eyes.

"You are the best fiancé anyone could ask for." I snuggle into his chest.

"I'm the luckiest man on earth. Don't twist it." He kisses my forehead.

We cuddle for a while. When we're together, time doesn't exist.

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