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Namjoon: when did you all come?

Jin: you opened the door. Remember?

Namjoon: ... Vaguely...

Jin: I see.

Namjoon: um... How are you hyung? I mean...

Jin: a lot better actually.

Namjoon: hm....

Namjoon gulped down the porridge, feeling uneasy as the members stared at him while eating. 

Namjoon: can you all stop staring? It's kinda uncomfortable...

Jimin: sorry hyung. We will leave the room.

Yoongi: call us when you're done.

Namjoon: ok...

Everyone left the room one by one, but not before taking another look at Namjoon.

Now that Namjoon was alone, he sighed and glanced at the cold porridge. He had made a vow to say his goodbyes to the members secretly and without meeting them, but things did not go as planned.

yet they were now in his flat, just outside his room, waiting, for him to finish his meal.

The longer he stared at the cold porridge, the more his hunger faded. He sighed and forced himself to finish it. 

once done, he made his way to the door with the empty bowl with slow and small steps. 

Jungkook rushed up to him as soon as he opened the door, taking the empty bowl from him.

jungkook: hyung! You need to rest! I'll take this.

Namjoon: ok...

Namjoon turned around and took a seat on the side of the bed. He was aware of what was ahead of him, but he was unsure whether he was prepared.  


jin: how are you feeling now?

namjoon: better I guess...

yoongi: tell me honestly, you haven't eaten properly since the day Jin Hyung got admitted to the hospital, right?

namjoon:... umm... what are you all doing here? I mean we got a break, right?

jin: we are here to... first, we are worried about you. second... we are here to answer your question from the other day...

namjoon: my question...? Why now? 

yoongi: we anyways had to tell you everything sooner or later... 

namjoon: I see... so how did it all start?

jin:  That would be from me. You know how I occasionally skim through Twitter comments?

namjoon: that's... the bad habit of all of us...

Jin: At first, I came across some positive and encouraging comments, but then... the negative comments... at first, I overlooked them, but after a while, I couldn't... I didn't even realise but I was greatly affected by them...

namjoon: you know that they all are baseless, right? why didn't you talk to me about it? or Bang PD?

jin: Believe me, I wanted to so many times, but I thought it would be fine as long as I improved myself... as time passed, the hate comments reduced a lot, but then... I started seeing hate comments directed at you... at first, I was angry, and I even reported a few users anonymously, but later on, whenever you made silly mistakes, those comments would come up in my mind... and I...

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