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Namjoon tried to catch Jimin but was unable to as he disappeared suddenly. Namjoon was panting heavily and impressed by Jimin's stamina. He was unsure about how to proceed, and believed that the other members wouldn't want to interact with him. However, his assumption proved incorrect.

The other members were longing to be reunited with Namjoon, viewing him as their leader and brother. However, they were unaware of these feelings and maintained the belief that they did not miss him. They convinced themselves that seeing Namjoon enjoy his birthday with GOT7 did not evoke jealousy. They also saw the lack of communication between them after Namjoon's departure as acceptable. Little did they know, their perception was far from the truth.

Namjoon was trying to catch his breath when he heard Jinyoung.

Jinyoung: where is Jimin? Is he ok?

Namjoon: I don't know Jinie he... he just vanished in thin air. I don't know what's happening.

Jinyoung: I hope everything is ok hyung. Anyways I think we should head back home now. Everyone is probably waiting.

Namjoon: ya... let's go.

Namjoon maintained his usual cheerful demeanor, constantly smiling and laughing. However, deep down, he couldn't shake off his concern for Jimin. He had a sense that significant changes were on the horizon and he held onto the hope that these changes would bring positive outcomes.


Frustration overwhelms me as I slam my hands onto my working table. I've been tirelessly working on this song for an entire month, yet I find myself trapped in a single tune. The thought occurs to me that perhaps I should reach out to Namjoon for assistance. Yes, that's it, I can ask him for help.

Driven by this newfound determination, I rise from my seat and make my way towards the door. However, reality swiftly dawns upon me, hitting me hard. The realization hits me that Namjoon is no longer here. Overwhelmed by this realization, I slump back into my chair, feeling defeated.

As the realization hits me that Namjoon is no longer a part of BTS due to almost being kicked out, I am reminded that seeking his opinion and help on my song is no longer an option. Nevertheless, as I contemplate this, I am suddenly jolted from my thoughts by the sound of someone crying and falling outside my door. With a dilemma about whether to check, I stand up and open the door, but am pushed aside as someone rushes in and slams the door shut behind them. Although my initial reaction would have been furious if it were anyone else, I am taken aback to find that it is Jimin, who is sobbing uncontrollably and emotes an unusual amount of vulnerability.

Jimin fled from Namjoon, and in a moment of recollection, he remembered that Yoongi was in his studio. Hastily making his way towards Yoongi's studio, he, unfortunately, stumbled just outside the entrance, but fortunately, Yoongi had opened the door in the nick of time. 

After regaining some composure, Jimin came to the realization that he had previously pushed Yoongi away. Despite his ongoing tears, he intended to apologize but found himself preempted by Yoongi, who spoke first, his visibly worried expression conveying his concern.

Yoongi: why the hell are you crying? What happened?

Jimin: Na-namjoon hyung... H-he...

Yoongi: what? What did he do? Did he say something? That fag I'll put him in his place today.

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