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A wave of regret overcame Jungkook as he watched Namjoon carry his bags inside the dorm, bringing back memories of that day when Namjoon had departed in the shadow of night. Jungkook had been happy at the time, thinking that it was all for the best. But now that he had seen Namjoon return, that joy was eclipsed by a deep sense of regret. He was filled with regret upon realising that he was partly to blame for his hyung's departure and that he had done nothing to prevent him from going in the first place.  

Namjoon could not have helped but notice the visibly obvious look of remorse engraved on the faces of his fellow members. When he realised the depth of their regret, a bittersweet grin tugged at his lips, expressing the grief in his heart.  Despite their attempts to hide it, their guilt was palpable, hanging heavy in the air like an unspoken truth.

A feeling of strangeness overcame Namjoon as he slowly returned to the familiar surroundings of the dorm. He had never in his wildest thoughts thought he would return in these conditions. His heart was troubled by the guilt that he saw on the faces of his fellow members, which made him consider what to do next. 

Facing the sombre reality of the situation, Namjoon found himself confronting thoughts that he had long avoided. Despite his efforts to push them aside, the circumstances demanded his attention, forcing him to confront the inevitable with a heavy heart. 

A deep, deep pull at Namjoon's emotions was the urge to go past his past and get back together with his BTS teammates to take back his position as BTS's RM. But alongside that desire was a deep-seated worry—the fear of getting hurt again. The wounds from previous battles remained visible, a continual reminder of the suffering he had gone through.

Between wanting to forgive his fellow members and worrying that they might hurt him again, Namjoon struggled with forgiving them. Despite realising why he was being cautious, he nevertheless carried a heavy burden of guilt over his friends' seeming regret. It was clear from their emotions that they wanted to make amends. Namjoon was cautious, but he also understood that facing his concerns and accepting the prospect of forgiveness would be necessary to find a way ahead. 

Namjoon found himself in Japan, about to forgive and move on with his fellow comrades, ready to let go of past wounds. But he was held back by a question that persisted: How important was he to everyone really? He was so consumed by this question that it overshadowed his desire to make up. Namjoon struggled with his reasons, but he was unable to deny the deep impact the wounds on his heart had on him.  

Although he felt that he was being self-centred, he was unable to stop himself. His curiosity was piqued. he wanted to know. needed to know...

Namjoon was lost in thought as he opened the door to his room, which was spotlessly organised and just as he had left it years before. The fact that there was no dust startled him no end. A feeling of nostalgia swept over him as he entered, his eyes sweeping the well-known surroundings. But among the flurry of recollections, one item in particular drew his attention. 

The bedside table, where Namjoon had left only one picture frame before leaving, drew his attention right away. He was shocked to see that a second frame had appeared next to it, holding a picture of himself. He knew right once that the clothing he was wearing was from his last performance, which was the final performance of his first solo world tour. 

Namjoon's eyes were sharp enough to see that the picture in front of him was not taken by a crew of pros. The official, clear photo sketches that the company released were a sharp contrast to its slightly blurry quality. Quite the contrary; it had the closeness of a personal photograph, as though the photographer had attended the performance. Namjoon was severely affected by this revelation. 

Namjoon approached the photo frame with deliberate steps, his heart fluttering with anticipation as he reached out to pick it up. Sensing the presence of his fellow members waiting outside the door, he turned around, holding the photo close to his chest, his mind buzzing with questions and emotions.

Namjoon: who... clicked this?

jin: let's save that story for another day... you should rest for now. I'll call you once the dinner is ready.

Reluctantly, Namjoon nodded as the members dispersed. With a heavy heart, he closed the door behind them, enveloping himself in a moment of solitude. Taking a deep breath, he made his way to the bathroom to freshen up.


Hesitantly, Jin knocked on the door, his apprehension palpable as he waited for a response. When he heard Namjoon's voice call out, "Door's open," Jin cautiously pushed the door open a fraction, peeking inside to find Namjoon busy unpacking his luggage.

Jin: the dinner's ready...

namjoon: oh! I'll be there in a second...

Jin: mind if I help?

namjoon: oh! sure...

Jin stepped further into the room, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. Without a word, he began retrieving clothes from Namjoon's luggage bag, handing them over one by one to Namjoon, who methodically arranged them in his closet. The simple act of helping each other unpack carried a weight of familiarity and comfort, easing the tension that lingered between them a bit.

namjoon: are you upset by how we didn't share it with you?

jin: would be lying if I said no. I'm. but I understand why you didn't guys share it. it's just... it's just that I'm your hyung. I would've been happier if you guys leaned and depended on me at times like this.

namjoon:...I see

Jin: oh! By the way...


jin: thanks... for being here...

Jin's smile radiated warmth as he looked at Namjoon. Namjoon returned the smile, as he resumed arranging his clothes in the closet.



my exams are almost over! only left with a few.  

I'll try to update more!

hopefully, this thing still has some readers:)

if this chapter reaches 20 votes with 5 comments I'll give another update:) if not then I'll update next week.

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