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I'm gonna add some DRAMA...

And I'm slightly confused about how I should end this story.

Updates might still be a little slow

Will you all be interested to read a new ff?

As soon as Namjoon touched down in Korea, his first order of business was to seek out Bang PD, foregoing any other obligations. Despite his unsettling encounter with the stalker, whose face remained obscured, Namjoon felt compelled to brief Bang PD on the situation and offer whatever support he could.

As Namjoon approached the company building, his anticipation mounting, he was unexpectedly halted in his tracks by his new manager.

Mr. Oh: are you going to meet PD-nim?

Namjoon: ahh... Yes!

Mr. Oh: he's in a meeting right now so how about you wait in the waiting room?

Namjoon: oh... Ok! I'll do that.

With a subtle smile and a respectful nod, Namjoon stepped into the building, making his way towards the waiting room. As he swung the door open, he was greeted by the familiar faces of Jimin and Jungkook, already seated in the room.

Jimin: hyung! When did you come?

jungkook: are you ok?

Namjoon: I came just about an hour ago and yes I'm ok.

Jimin: why didn't you inform us?

Namjoon: I was about to but I've to meet Bang PD first.

Jimin: it must be something really important then.

jungkook: is it ok if I inform others?

Namjoon: umm... I guess?

jungkook: by the way... Are you meeting Bang PD-nim because of that guy?

Namjoon: ....

Jimin: really?!

Jungkook: hyung... Did something happen in Japan after we left?

Namjoon: ummm... No? I mean what could possibly happen... Hehe...

Jimin: hyung... Did that guy do something?

Namjoon: what? No!

Jungkook: are you really alright? You are not hurt anywhere, are you?

Namjoon: I'm not hurt... I just.. (Sigh) let's meet Bang PD-nim together ok? I'll explain then.

Jimin: ok...

Silence fell over the trio, accompanied by a palpable sense of awkwardness that hung in the air as they waited patiently. Suddenly, the atmosphere shifted as Namjoon's manager entered the room, visibly surprised to see the other two males accompanying Namjoon.

Mr. Oh: what are you guys doing here?- I mean, Bang PD-nim is free now so you can go and meet him.

As the three of us stood up, I expressed my gratitude to namjoon hyung's new manager. But there was something off about the situation. It's not uncommon for idols to dress in black and wear masks around the company, but seeing the manager do the same felt odd. It left me with a nagging feeling of unease, like something wasn't quite right.

I couldn't shake off the feeling of unease as I stared at the manager for a moment longer before trailing behind Jimin hyung and Namjoon hyung towards the office. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed the manager veering towards the direction of the washroom. As we entered the office together, Bang PD-nim's initial surprise at seeing all of us together quickly dissipated, and he motioned for us to take a seat.

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