Love Triangle Part #2 (Hailee Steinfeld & Sydney Sweeney)

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I was so surprised to see Sydney here as well if I had talked to her more in the bookshop, I'm sure I would have known about her working on this movie and would not have been as surprised as I am right now, she had gone to do some costume fitting which means it was just me and Hailee sitting in some chairs while we wait for something to happen. I know this place isn't the real Chuckee's, but the set unsettles me, it looks so much like the real thing.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Hailee asks.

"Yes, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" I respond.

"Because you looked a little off like something is bothering you," Hailee says. I guess I wasn't doing a good job of hiding my expressions.

"It's nothing, just thinking about some stuff, that's all," I reply.

"Is it something you want to talk about?" Hailee asks me. I almost opened up to her about who I am. The key word is almost, but I don't, I can't have the only real person who's not pretending to be nice to me when being around me discard me like all the others in my past have done when my father committed the crimes he did, they didn't want to be associated with me and my family.

"No, I don't want to talk about it, it's too personal for me to open up about," I answer.

"That's fair. Maybe one day you can tell me what's going on in the beautiful head of yours," Hailee says.

"Yes, I believe one day I can talk about it, but not now," I reply. I hear some cursing and shouting. I watch someone storm away as they're being followed by someone.

"I'm not wearing that fucking death trap! If I knew that was going to happen, I wouldn't have said yes in the first place! I'm out!" the guy says, his voice growing distant as he speaks to who I assume is the director of the movie.

"Deathtrap?" I ask myself. It takes me a few moments, but I realize what was being asked of that person, how the hell did they get their hands on one of the springlock suits? And are they fucking stupid with trying to get someone to wear the blasted things?! Are they trying to kill someone?! Whoever that stuntperson is made the right decision in refusing to wear the suit, I have worn one of them on some of the occasions I went to the restaurant when I was asked to, after I did the appropriate training. I'm probably the only person left alive that's qualified to wear the suit.

"Hailee, do you know anyone qualified to wear a springlock suit?" the director asks her as he approaches.

"Sorry, I don't know anyone that could wear it, whatever a springlock suit is. Do you know anyone that could wear it Y/N?" Hailee asks me. Dammit, I didn't want to reveal anything about my true self, but me being in the suit is better than some random idiot setting the locks off.

"I may know someone. But first...why the hell are you using something as dangerous as that in the first place? If you've done your research, you know what happens if I mistake is made inside the suit," I respond, looking at the director at the end.

"Because we want the movie to have as much authenticity as possible by using real items from the location since the real case had been closed off once the body of the killer had been found, the police had no problem loaning us the suit," the director says. that surprised me, I had no idea his body had been found, they must have kept this quiet, but why would the police do such a thing?

"But who's this person you know that's qualified to wear the suit?" the director asks. I stay silent. I know the longer I drag this out, the ramifications of hiding who I am longer by the second, would cause more ramifications than if I told them now.

"You're looking at him. Y/N L/N, yes that L/N is at your service. Now show me the suit," I say, my voice growing more serious. The persona I have at my job is an act that I put on to hide the fact of who I am and to hide the grief I sometimes feel when I'm alone. I don't need to look at Hailee to see the look of shock on her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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