Friends to Lovers #1 (Kate Bishop)

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I am woken up by the sound of my father entering the room.

"Rise and Shine!" she shouts as he opens the blinds, letting the early morning sunlight in, I cover my eyes from the sudden light.

"Really Dad?" I groan as I get out of bed.

"Yes, Richard and May are already dressed and downstairs eating breakfast. It wouldn't be a good first impression for your teachers, it's the beginning of the year in case you've forgotten," Dad says. He then leaves the room once he sees me get out of bed, probably to make sure I don't fall back to sleep. I am also the eldest Parker child, with my brother and sister fairly younger than me since my parents, Peter and Mary Jane Watson, had me not too long after they had finished high school. They had not once lied to me about how difficult it was to balance raising me while they studied at university and while my dad used to have this side job, he used to do which he quit when I got a little older.

"Morning, Mum, Dad, Richard, and May," I say as I enter the kitchen.

"Morning, sweetie," Mum says.

"Morning Y/N," My siblings say in sync, they do that sometimes.

"So, when will we meet this Katherine Bishop, you've been mentioning recently?" Mum asks. I don't have to look at Mom to know she has a smirk on my face or look at my dad to see that he's grinning.

"I don't know mom, let me talk to her and see if she wants to come," I answer. Kate is my friend, a recent friend, I've known her for less than a year, but recently I've been starting to feel something different towards Kate Bishop, I know what this feeling is and I don't know how I would bring this up to Kate, we've only just become friends, I'm scared if I mention what I'm feeling to her, our friendship will dissolve and she'll no longer want to hang out with me at school or after school.

"Good, good, because from what you've been mentioning to us about her, it sounds like she is a lovely young lady," Mom says.

"Is she your girlfriend?" My sister asks, sounding innocent.

"What?! No of course not!" I shout. My brother and parents laugh.

"Okay, we'll believe you for now, you also might want to hurry up with breakfast, if you're any slower you're going to be late," Mom says.

Dad drops me off at school, I go to the same high school he went to when he was younger, Midtown High. It's a good school, the teachers are nice and most of the other students here are okay, there are of course the bad apples in the school, the bullies of course, but they've left me alone for the most part as I've given them no reason for them to target me. When I get to my locker, I smile when I see Kate Bishop waiting for me at my locker, I watch her brighten up when she sees me.

"Morning Y/N," Kate says with a cheerful smile as she hugs me. when we first met and she kept giving me hugs I would always go red in the face and get nervous because other than the women in my family, no other girl has ever hugged me before, but I got used to it and now I hug her too.

"How was your break?" Kate asks me as I open my locker.

"It was good. We went to Lego Land and Disney World, and traveled a lot," I answer.

"Sounds like you had a lot of fun," Kate says. I close my locker.

"We did, it was nice having fun as a family like that, my parents saved for a long time for something like this and it was worth every dollar saved," I reply.

I am a little happier than usual, our history teacher assigned us a project and we got to choose our partners, so, of course, Kate and I decided to partner up and we could choose to do the project about any historical period, all we have to do now is choose where we're going to do the project. I remember the events at the table from earlier in the day.

Kate Bishop/Hailee Steinfeld Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now