Encounter (Part Two of Derelict) *Kate*

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This text= people talking on comlinks. 

I slip and fall over; Rex laughs his ass off. I grumble as I get back onto my feet. I was going to tell Rex off but didn't when I saw what had caused me to fall: a puddle of blood that wasn't fresh but fresh enough to be still somewhat slippery.

"What could have caused this?" I ask as I kneel to get a proper look.

"This is not good, sir. Do you think the missing crew could have been attacked by something? Someone?" Rex asks me.

"It's always a possibility. I hope that somebody can explain what has happened here." I answer.

"What if there isn't anyone left?" Rex responds.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask. The suggestion of saying an ISD crew is missing or dead is severe, and such a suggestion should not be taken lightly.

"I've just received a message from the crew guarding the shuttle. After an equipment check, there are no signs of a technical fault; all systems are in perfect working order," Rex answers.

"That would make sense. We have not found any of the ISD crew. It would only make sense if they're all dead, but this is the first sign of blood we have come across," I reply.

"We should be alert then. Do you hear that? Stay on alert. There's no way of knowing what is aboard the ISD." Rex says, speaking to the rest of the men at the end.

"Do we have a name for the ISD?" I ask

"None yet, sir. We could explore the ISD, helping with your objective," Kirling says. He's the medic of my squadron. I looked at Rex; he didn't need to hear the words to know what I was thinking.

"No. You all stay with the shuttle if the way how the ISD crew went missing or possibly killed is still aboard," Rex orders.

"Copy that, Captain." Another soldier pipes up, this one a female named Krystal. She's one of the finest shooters I've had the pleasure to work the battlefield with.


Lord Vader was not in the best place emotionally right now. He had just discovered a project that had gone wrong. Had the power to raise the dead into flesh-eating ghouls had leaked on the Imperial Star Destroyer known as Vector, which had gone missing sometime during Palpatine's rule of the empire. He understands why his former master had not told him of such a thing; he did not want his prized pupil to be infected by such a virus, and if it leaked that such a weapon was in development, it would indeed cause more people to join the side of the rebellion.

"Bishop, do all you can to contact Luke, Leia, and Ahsoka. While I do not know the exact coordinates of where they are in the unknown, I can give a rough area of where they are along with ISD Vector." Vader demands. This wasn't the voice of her future in-law; this was the voice of Sith Lord Darth Vader.

"I will do so at once," Kate replied. She left the bridge. Vader knew Kate would be making the calls in privacy so the secrets of what happened on the ISD Vector would not leak. That reminds me, Vader thinks as he accesses the force to wipe the information of the ISD Vector and anything to do with Palpatine's biological weapon, Black Wing. He prays his son would be safe and get out before getting killed or infected by those monsters, and if Y/N cannot get out of the ship before help arrives, Vader prays he and his men can hold out until extraction arrives.


Rex and I stumble upon one of the many barracks located on a destroyer. It didn't look good; there were signs of blaster fire all over the barracks, and there was more blood on the floor, walls, and ceiling.

Kate Bishop/Hailee Steinfeld Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now