Reunited (Kate Bishop)

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Everyone Lives!

Infinity War/Endgame events does not happen.

Kate is lost in her memories, a time where she had the most caring boyfriend,, but it was her own neglection that later down the road in the relationship that caused them to split, due to Kate prioritizing archery and the competitions she would take place in. at first she didn't miss him due to her focus on archery, now though she misses Y/N a lot, she had tried to find him with online searches but she has come up empty each and every time, it saddened her when each search came up empty.

"Don't be glum Kate Bishop, the party is starting in a while, we don't want you to be an emotional drain, do we?" Yelena says when she catches the look of sadness on Kate Bishop's face.

"I know, I know. I just can't help but think of someone I used to know back in my Highschool days, around the halfway mark." Kate replies.

"Ah, so it's been a long time since you have seen this person, I assume it was a friend you made as a teenager." Yelena says.

"Yeah, when Clint offered to train me to become a fully-fledged Avenger, I didn't realize how much I missed him until I realized he wouldn't be there to celebrate my accomplishment, that's when I realized how much I truly fucked up, I loved him, I guess I still do after all these years." Kate says.

"Ah. so, this is an old boyfriend you are talking about. What have you done to try to reconcile with this old boyfriend of yours?" Yelena asks.

"I've tried finding him online, but I've had no luck, there were rumours back in the day about his last name not being his real last name, I guess those rumours might be true after all." Kate answers. Yelena hums.

"What was the last name of this old boyfriend?" Yelena asks.

"It weas F/L/N." Kate answers.

"I will see what I can uncover after the party now come, we should get you dressed." Yelena says.


A car parks outside, it's a purple Chevrolet Impala. The owner of [MADE UP RESTAURANT NAME] steps out of the car, shortly two vans pull up behind him, one contains the ingredients to make the food, another contains his workers and another contains the equipment needed to make and cook the food. Y/N had been paid handsomely to cover the costs of closing the restaurant and petrol for driving up to the Cabin. Y/N pulls out his radio.

"Pull around to the back in the area we discussed, I'll go and speak to our client." Y/N says.

"Copy that boss. Alright you heard the man, follow me!" the worker replies. Y/N turns down the volume on his radio. Y/N starts his approach to the front door of the cabin home. Surely Tony Stark knows I am here, he would have top notch security considering he's a person of high profile, Y/N thinks as he gets ever so closer to the cabin. Y/n sees the front door of the cabin open. speak of the freaking devil, Tony sees Y/N and smiles.

"Glad to see you and your worker bees made it here alright." Tony says as Y/N stops in front of him.

"Me too, I'm sure you've already saw my workers have pulled up to the back to set up for the party." Y/N replies as they shake hands.

"Yes, I have, they work efficiently." Tony says.

"Yes, when I took over the business, I got rid of the old training routine and made sure the staff get trained properly, I don't want any creeps of any kind entering my business since it's a family friendly one and kids are always present there." Y/n tells Tony.

"That's good, are there still people that give you grief because of the past?" Tony asks.

"Yes, if it wasn't for you endorsing my business, I'm sure I would not be where I am right now." Y/N answers as they enter the kitchen.

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