Spontaneous (Kate)

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I'm in the workshop working on gear belonging to the Avengers. I had been hired by Tony Stark himself when I stumbled upon a piece of Avengers gear, one of Black Widow's gauntlets. I fixed the gauntlet, packaged it, and dropped it off at Avenger's Tower. I've been working at Avenger's Tower for a couple of months now and even had some small lessons from Tony Stark himself, which have been the best moments of my job. One might think I interact with the Avengers, but I don't, it's not that they don't like me, it's that I'm busy most of the time and they're always in a rush whether it's for a new mission or things happening in their personal life, so Tony Stark is the only Avenger I've had the pleasure of meeting and getting to talk with.

"Excuse me, you're the repair man?" a voice asks me. I turn away from my task to see a very beautiful woman looking unsure of herself. She looks around my age and she's sporting a ponytail.

"Yes, I am. Now who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?" I respond.

"My name's Kate Bishop. I'm the new Hawkeye!" she answers. She looks proud of herself and I cannot help but smile at that.

"Lovely to meet you, Kate. I believe I have heard a couple of words about you," I say.

"Good things I hope?" Kate asks.

"Yes, very good things. You must be very good at archery for Clint Barton to give you the mantle of Hawkeye," I answer.

"Yep! Plus, he wants to retire to spend more time with his family," Kate tells me.

"Admirable. Now tell me what you need, repairs? Or an upgrade?" I ask.

"Repairs...I kinda smashed by the bow on a dude's face when he tried to jump me," Kate answers. She presents me her bow, and I can see already that the damage externally isn't too bad, so the damage to her bow is internal.

"How long should I expect to wait for the bow?" Kate asks me.

"Should take me about one hour. I can get you notified when it's ready or you could relax here if you want. It's up to you," I answer. She hands me the bow and I watch her go sit down on the couch that's used for when I'm taking a break from fixing weapons and other gear.

I finish repairing the bow. It took me much longer than it normally would because I had made a special modification to the bow that turns it into a sword should Kate ever need to fight up close with the enemies she goes up against. Kate is still asleep on the couch; I walk over and gently nudge her.

"Kate...Kate, the bow is ready," I say softly. She groans as she wakes up.

"Wha...you've finished with the bow?" Kate asks me.

"Yes. I'm sorry I took so long, but I did another modification that I think you'll enjoy a lot," I answer as she takes a sitting position.

"Like what?" Kate asks me. I take a couple of steps back.

"Like this," I answer as I press a button on the bow. It transforms in seconds into a sword.

"Oh my god! It's so awesome!" Kate says, admiration and amazement lacing her voice.

"How about we go test it at the gym, and see if there are any kinks I may need to work on," I say as I transform it back into the bow.

Kate and I enter the gym/training floor of the Avengers. I have only been here on rare occasions when I need to blow off some steam after feeling down and upset about something that always seems to be out of my control. I watch Kate take a stance at the archery range. She gets a handful of arrows and loads them up in her quiver except for one. I watch her aim and fire the arrow.

"How's it feel?" I ask as she loads another arrow.

"It's amazing. I dare say it's better than before," Kate answers. She takes a glance at me and smiles.

Kate Bishop/Hailee Steinfeld Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now