Birthday Surprise (Hailee)

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I've come here to America to surprise someone, a specific person who just so happens to be named Hailee Steinfeld, yes that Hailee Steinfeld who just happens to be an actress/singer. I haven't seen her in many years, since we were teenagers, to be specific. Hailee, of course, stayed in America, and my family moved to Australia due to job commitments. Only now, after years of saving and a lucky lotto win, can I afford a trip back to my country of birth. I follow Hailee on social media, but I don't think she ever noticed that I did because she had never reached out; I have also never reached out to her even though I've tried but always backed out of doing so, so I know she's out eating somewhere for her birthday, goddam I sound like a creepy stalker, turn myself in I should, the place isn't too far from where I'm staying so I can comfortably walk there with no issues.

I walked out of the hotel with a birthday gift for Hailee; of course, I could not come empty-handed when crashing what I assume was a private function; the bustling movements of the people is something that is not easily forgotten but still jars me as the place I live in now is not as densely packed as New York City.

I arrive at the restaurant where Hailee is with her family; I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down from the excitement of seeing Hailee for the first time in years. I can see them all inside from where I'm standing outside. I can see how happy she is with her family and gorgeous smile. I walked inside the restaurant, taking time to see how long it would take them to notice me. I head to the bar to have a drink first, something light.

"I thought I recognized you, Y/N." I hear after some time sitting down. I turn to my right and see Hailee's brother, Griffin Steinfeld.

"Griffy boy, long time no see. How's things going," I say with a small smile. I stand up, and we dap each other up.

"Things have been going pretty good, especially with Hailee's career." He answers.

"So I've seen. I was just about to come over and re-introduce myself, but now that you know I'm here, I'm sure we can set something up like you bringing in a plate of Hailee's food." Griffin says.

"That would be cool. I'll be here, and you can go talk to the head waiter or the manager or something." I reply. Griffin nods.

"I'll do just that." He replies and walks off.

I wasn't keeping track of how long I'd been sitting, but it sure felt like a long time; my patience is rewarded when I feel a hand on my shoulder.

"They've agreed to our plan; follow me to the kitchen," Griffin says.

"Time to get this show on the road," I say with a small smile.

The waiter showed me how to hold the plate, which came to me quickly.

"Ready when you are, I'll go back to the table. I think people are getting suspicious about what I'm doing," Griffin says.

"Of course, can't spoil the surprise," I reply. I watch Griffin leave the kitchen as I take a deep breath and don't wait too long to walk out of the kitchen. I feel my heart hammering in my chest as I inch closer and closer to Hailee's table, and Griffin must've been checking on how close behind I would be because I see he's already looking in my direction. Slowly but surely, the people who know me start to see me, and I quickly place a finger on my lips, signaling them to stay silent.

"Here we go, Ms. Steinfeld." I place the plate in front of her.

"Thanks," Hailee replies with a glance at me, so quick I don't think she's noticed who I am, which causes a few people to chuckle.

"What?" she asks, confused.

"You have no idea who just handed the plate to you, do you?" Mrs Steinfeld asks her daughter.

Kate Bishop/Hailee Steinfeld Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now