Derelict *Part One* (Kate)

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Star Wars AU! Skywalker!Reader!

Despite not being a clone trooper, I am apart part of my father's 501st Legion, they don't treat me any less because of it. I have heard how they feel uneasy about the non-clone troopers due to how inefficient they are when it comes to a blaster and fighting, but I was on par with them, and it earned me their respect.

"Huh, that's odd. There's an Imperial Star Destroyer all the way out here in the Unknown Regions. "Lord Vader didn't say there would be one here; maybe it's one that's been abandoned during the Palpatine years." Captain Rex says:

"What do the scanners say?" I respond. While it is not unusual to see something like this, it's always best to double check to make sure things appear as they seem and not something else. Lord Vader is strict when it comes to competency; not being competent will cost someone their life, along with the lives of those around them if they're incompetent on the field.

"No life aboard the destroyer... but other readings say the destroyer is still fully operational. odd... "I'll try hailing the ship to see if our equipment is faulty; it wouldn't be the first time the readings are wrong. Rex says. He hails the ship, but there is no answer. He tries multiple times, but there is still no answer. Unease and coldness are what I feel at the moment. Something is wrong; I'm sure of it.

"We need to investigate, see what's wrong with the destroyer, and why no one is accepting our hail to them; something doesn't feel right about this." Rex says.

"Yeah, let's just hope it's their equipment that is faulty." I reply. At this rate, I don't think I'll make it home to my girlfriend, Kate Bishop. She's an Imperial Officer that also specializes with a bow and arrow. While such a weapon seems primitive to the weapons I use, I can assure you it is anything but primitive with how effective she is with it at long distances. Up close, it can also transform into a viola with the press of a button. I take her on missions where I need an element of stealth at longer ranges.

"I'll take us into the hanger; Y/N and I will move to the bridge." "The rest of you, stay here and guard the shop; if it is truly abandoned, there's no telling who or what may be on that ship; our scanners may be faulty." Rex says.

Kate Bishop had just finished reading the message sent by her boyfriend and knew this was something she would relay to Lord Vader; an abandoned star destroyer is cause for concern as there was so no reported battle in the part of the unknown regions or prison transport meeting a destroyer.

"Lord Vader, I have a message from Corporal Y/N. The contingency of the 501st Legion you sent to the planet called Exegol has successfully completed their mission. But on the way back, they've come across an abandoned star destroyer in the unknown regions." Kate Bishop says that as she enters the bridge of the Executor, the hooded man turns to Kate.

"Let me see the message, Katherine." Lord Vader responds; he holds an open palm out, and Kate places her datapad in Lord Vader's hand. The Sith Lord examines Y/N's message.

"I want updates as soon as you get them." Lord Vader says, handing the datapad back to Kate.

I stand next to the boarding ramp as we get closer to the derelict Star Destroyer.

"We're getting closer. "Do the scans show any difference compared to earlier?" Rex asks.

"No, sir; theoretically, the ship should still be operational; scans show no signs of life, but I decided to scan for any toxins, anything that could cause sickness... There is something there; I would advise wearing isolation gear." Caxton says. I look at Rex, our commander. Hearing this makes me feel uneasy, and I don't know why.

"Of course, we'll go add on the isolation gear to our armor." Rex says.

It didn't take too long for us to enter the hanger of the derelict destroyer. Where it should be teeming with pilots and troopers alike, it's all empty except for the TIEs and Shuttles still in the hanger, all askew on their sides.

"Sir, Y/N, be careful out there; we'll defend this ship and report any movement we may see. Its possible chemical warfare has taken course here." Caxton says.

"If that's the case, it would explain why the ships are the way they are and why there's no sign of life." I reply. Rex and I exit our ship and have our motion sensors up on our helmet's HUD to keep an eye out for movement as we delve into the derelict destroyer.

'We should head for the bridge; this destroyer really is abandoned; maybe we can find out why there through the logs." I suggest it after seeing nothing on the motion detector other than Rex and me.

"Good idea, Y/N; we'll head there now; there's nothing in the hangar that'll be of any use to us." Rex replies.

Rex and I have delved deeper into the destroyer, and all the silence from the ship has unnerved me.

"We need to check the Medical Bay; maybe there will be information as to what happened here; if there was an infection here that wiped out the thousands of people stationed here, there will surely be information there."

"Yes, that would make sense. But I do have a question, Corporal. "If the people aboard here died, where the hell are the bodies?" Rex asks.

"I don't know... I'll keep Lord Vader informed of the oddity. Do we know the name of this destroyer? Maybe Lord Vader might be able to shed some light. "What's that over there? Something's blinking." I answer. Rex and go towards the blinking object. I pick it up, and it's a cannister of some sort; what it was containing is long gone. I see an inscription on it: PROJECT BLACKWING. IMPERIAL BIOLOGICAL WEAPONS DIVISION

"Project Blackwing? "What the hell is that?" I ask.


Lord Vader reads the new message from Corporal Y/N, and he feels unease at the name of project Blackwing. He should know what it is, but if Palpatine wanted something secret, it would be a secret. But Lord Vader had heard that name before when he walked into Palpatine's office, but he cut off who he was talking to instantly when he saw Vader had entered the room.

"I'll go retrieve the information Katherine has about Blackwing and relay what to do with it to Y/N myself." Vader replies. Kate nods.

"Of course, milord, but I cannot help but worry about Y/N; what he's been saying in the messages makes my spine crawl; an abandoned Star Destroyer; no signs of life; readings of an infection; who knows what he's walking into." Kate says signs of emotional distress are evident. Lord Vader's face softens.

"Katherine, I know how much he means to you; he means a lot to me as well. "While he mainly prefers to use a blaster as opposed to my old lightsaber and prefers to work as a soldier, he's my son, and I worry about him a lot. I too feel a sense of uneasiness, but he comes back after a mission; he always does." Lord Vader says: He then swivels his chair and enters some information, and a whole slew of folders appear on the screen. He begins searching through them for any information and mentions of Project Blackwing.

"Find anything yet?" Kate asks.

"Nothing. Wait, I've found something. lets see." Lord Vader says: He opens the file containing reports about Project Blackwing. As he reads the information regarding the project and the first incident of the project when it was newly discovered, although Kate couldn't see it, Lord Vader's face went pale as he read what happened with Blackwing.

"HE NEEDS TO GET OFF THAT SHIP NOW!" Vader screams. jumping up from his seat. Kate has never seen Lord Vader so afraid of something that he read.

"Why? "What's aboard that destroyer?" Kate asks as she fumbles around for her communicator.

"An Army of the Dead." Vader answers grimly.

A/N: was heavily inspired by the Death Troopers novel, as I'm currently listening to the audiobook.

Kate Bishop/Hailee Steinfeld Oneshots!Where stories live. Discover now